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Formative Performance Task 1 Substitution

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1 Formative Performance Task 1 Substitution
6th Grade Unit 4 Formative Performance Task 1 Substitution Topic: What were the social, political, and economic characteristics of early civilizations? Description of Formative Performance Task: You will use iPads to view a Freedom Flix video on Mesopotamia. Featured Source: Featured Tech Tools: Blackboard Laptop or Desktop computer and/or iPad with internet access Steps: Get your assigned # Laptop from the charging cart. Go to Click on right arrow next to “select a school” (top middle of screen). Scroll down and click on “Moss Bluff Middle”. Click on Faculty tab. Scroll down to Hamilton, Jaunette, 6th grade social studies and click on website. Click on Websites and Links Tab Click on Freedom Flix -this will bring you to the Flix website. Click on Ancient World Tab. Select Ancient Mesopotamia. Click Play and watch the video. Be prepared for a whole class discussion. Teacher Name: Jaunette Hamilton School: Moss Bluff Middle School Address: Special Considerations: This video can be watched whole class or individually. If you haven’t taken BB101, you can just give the directions to get to Freedom Flix from the Digital Media Resources section of the CPSB website. Assessment: Formative through teacher observation

2 Formative Performance Task 2 Augmentation
6th Grade Unit 4 Formative Performance Task 2 Augmentation Topic: What were the social, political, and economic characteristics of early civilizations? Description of Formative Performance Task: You will use iPads to complete a Quizlet Learn activity on Mesopotamia. Featured Source: Featured Tech Tools: Blackboard Quizlet Laptop, Desktop, or iPad with internet access Steps: Get your assigned # Laptop from the charging cart. Go to Click on right arrow next to “select a school” (top middle of screen). Scroll down and click on “Moss Bluff Middle”. Click on Faculty tab. Scroll down to Hamilton, Jaunette, 6th grade social studies and click on website. Click on Class Documents Tab. Click on Mesopotamia Folder. Click on Quizlet Mesopotamia-this will bring you to the Quizlet website. Right click on Choose a study Mode drop down (bottom right of screen). Click on Learn. Answer questions as they appear and follow prompts. Be prepared for a class discussion on the information in the Activity. Teacher Name: Jaunette Hamilton School: Moss Bluff Middle School Address: Special Considerations: the teacher for the link to the Quizlet or you can go to her website to access it. Assessment: This can be a formative assessment to prepare for a Quiz.

3 Summative Performance Task 3 Modification
6th Grade Unit 4 Summative Performance Task 3 Modification Topic: What were the social, political, and economic characteristics of early civilizations? Description of Summative Performance Task: You will use iPads to complete an activity on Mesopotamia. Featured Source: Blackboard Featured Tech Tools: Laptop, Desktop, or iPad with internet access Steps: Get your assigned # Laptop from the charging cart. Go to Click on right arrow next to “select a school” (top middle of screen). Scroll down and click on “Moss Bluff Middle”. Click on Faculty tab. Scroll down to Hamilton, Jaunette, 6th grade social studies and click on website. Click on Class Documents Tab. Click on Mesopotamia Folder. Click on Padlet-this will bring you to the Padlet website. Click on the sources to enlarge and read all sources and prompt. Click on the + button under your class to respond and answer prompt. Teacher Name: Jaunette Hamilton School: Moss Bluff Middle School Address: Special Considerations: You must have a Padlet account. teacher for her Padlet link so that you can “remake” it for your students to use. Assessment: Summative Assessment based on student responses; may want to a rubric similar to the ones used for the 6th grade tasks on

4 Summative Performance Task 4 Redefinition
6th Grade, Unit 4 Summative Performance Task 4 Redefinition Topic: What were the social, political, and economic characteristics of early civilizations? Description of Summative Performance Task: You will use an iPad to create a video using the information that you have learned in Tasks 1-3. You will work in groups to complete this task. Featured Source: Clips App Featured Tech Tools: iPad Steps: In your cooperative group, you will create a Clips video. Get your assigned # iPad from the charging station. Click on the Clips app . Follow the rubric provided to create a video that answers the topic question. Save video to iPad using your group name and class hour. View and write comments on videos posted by other classes. You will also write comments and then read comments posted on posters in classroom during a gallery walk. Teacher Name: Jaunette Hamilton School: Moss Bluff Middle School Address: Special Considerations: Need to have Clips App downloaded onto iPads. You could also have students just use the video option of the Camera on the iPad if clips isn’t available. Assessment: Summative Assessment; the teacher for her rubric and criteria expected for the video.

5 IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet
Teacher: Jaunette Hamilton Louisiana Social Studies Standard: Describe the economic motivation for expanding trade and territorial conquests in world civilizations using economic concepts; Explain how the development of trade and taxation influenced economic growth in the ancient world. What were the social, political, and economic characteristics of early civilizations? Task Description Featured Source Suggested Technology You will use an iPad to create a video using the information that you have learned in Tasks 1-3. You will work in groups to complete this task. Clips App iPad You will use iPads to complete an activity on Mesopotamia. Padlet Blackboard Laptop, Desktop, or iPad with internet access You will use iPads to complete a Quizlet Learn activity on Mesopotamia. Quizlet Learn Quizlet You will use iPads to view a Freedom Flix video on Mesopotamia. Freedom Flix Laptop or Desktop computer and/or iPad with internet access REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.

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