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National History Bee Etiquette Quiz.

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Presentation on theme: "National History Bee Etiquette Quiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 National History Bee Etiquette Quiz

2 Question 1 What is the date of the Regional Competition for the National History Bee? Wednesday, March 28, 2018

3 What should you wear to the National History Bee Competition?
Question 2 What should you wear to the National History Bee Competition? Business casual or nicer clothes – dress pants and a collared shirt or a dress with shoulder covered

4 Question 3 What time should you arrive at Cowherd to ride the bus to the competition? Between 2:30 and 2:45 PM

5 What should you do if you don’t know the answer to a question?
Do not press your buzzer button

6 How many people can ride with you on the bus to/from the competition?
Question 5 How many people can ride with you on the bus to/from the competition? One (1)

7 What are the two most important things to do when stating your answer?
Question 6 What are the two most important things to do when stating your answer? Speak loudly and clearly

8 Question 7 What should you do if you accidentally press your buzzer and don’t know the answer? Make your best guess

9 When is your permission slip due?
Question 8 When is your permission slip due? Friday, March 16, 2018

10 Describe appropriate behavior for a contestant.
Question 9 Describe appropriate behavior for a contestant. Quietly listens to others give their answers, looks at the person who is speaking, presses the buzzer when they know the answer, speaks loudly and clearly

11 Describe appropriate behavior for an audience member.
Question 10 Describe appropriate behavior for an audience member. Listens quietly to the competition, watches the competition, all electronics are turned off and put away

12 Where is the Regional Competition for the History Bee?
Question 11 Where is the Regional Competition for the History Bee? Fenton High School in Bensenville, IL

13 When should you press your buzzer during the competition?
Question 12 When should you press your buzzer during the competition? As soon as you know the answer to the question, even if the host is still reading the question

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