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Year 5 Parents’ Evening: Year 5 Christmas Performances:

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1 Year 5 Parents’ Evening: Year 5 Christmas Performances:
Year 5….In brief! Celebration names… 5C – Jack R. and Molly D. 5D – Olivia R. and Zain E. 5DP – Olivia J. and Oliver T. 5H – Jasmine A. and Sena S. English: Cosmic (Frank Cottrell-Boyce) To be able to use persuasive features to create a visitor information leaflet for a new theme park. Maths: Fractions To order and compare fractions which are a multiple of the denominator To find fractions of numbers and quantities Curriculum updates: IPC – Mission to Mars Science – Investigating the best material to keep tea warm. PSHE/P4C – Remembrance R.E. – Pilgrimages P.E. – Football French - Weather Computing - Spreadsheets Notices: Please ensure that your child is reading every day and recording this in their Reading Record. This will be checked by your child’s class teacher once a week. Children should be bringing their reading record in to school every day. Google Classroom is used for homework. There are always printed copies available from your child’s class teacher too. Homework club resumes from Tuesday. Diary Dates Year 5 Parents’ Evening: Tuesday 27th November – Thursday 29th November Year 5 Christmas Performances: Thursday 13th December at 9am Friday 14th December at 2pm

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