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UMKC Canvas Conference, July 20,2018

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1 UMKC Canvas Conference, July 20,2018
Accessibility UMKC Canvas Conference, July 20,2018

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3 Closed Captioning

4 Allied tanks drive down road in Western Berlin.
Alternative Text Decorative Image Allied tanks drive down road in Western Berlin. In 1969, U.S. military vehicles pass through residential districts, a routine reminder that West Berlin was still legally occupied by the Western Allies of World War II.

5 Color Contrast
Grey Level WCAG Ratio Pass/Fall Contrast # (Black) 21 : 1 Pass #333333 12.6 : 1 #666666 5.7 : 1 # (large) # (large) 2.85 : 1 Fail #CCCCCC (large) 1.6 : 1 , If you choose to use color to convey information to your students, you should also bold, underline, or italicize that information.

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