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Healthy Spaces and Places Liz de Chastel National Policy Manager

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1 Healthy Spaces and Places Liz de Chastel National Policy Manager
University of Canberra 18th April 2008

2 Overview Why design for active living
Linkages between health, planning, transport and environment Design Principles National Project & Value of Partnerships

3 PIA PIA is a professional membership organisation with 4600 urban planners and related professionals; not for profit & independent Advocate and develop policy positions on behalf of members Planners work in Local Government (50%), Private Sector (30%) and State Govt/Academia Planners along with others help shape our built and natural environment

4 Health Issues around Inactivity

5 Some facts Physically inactive Australian adults are costing the healthcare system $1.5 billion a year It is estimated that almost 9 million Australians – 54% of adult population – do not do enough physical activity on a daily basis Not doing enough physical activity doubles the risk of cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and obesity, and increases the risk of breast and bowel cancer, depression and anxiety All it takes is 30 minutes of activity most days a week to reduce the problem (Source: Medibank Private Research 2007) Medibank private has done a lot of work in this area and commissions research. We are also speaking to them about their interests in the Healthy spaces and Places Project. The figures are frightening and are not getting better.

6 Obesity and Travel Behaviour
Source: Pucher J. & Dijkstra L. (2003), Promoting safe walking and cycling to improve public health: Lessons from the Netherlands and Germany, American Journal of Public Health 93:

7 Getting people out of cars
Car trips in local neighbourhoods: 10% of all car trips are less than one kilometre (the equivalent to a ten minute walk) 30% are less than three kilometres Source: Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics (2002), Greenhouse policy options for transport, BTRE Report No 105

8 "Everybody would like a lively city, an attractive city, a safe city, a sustainable city and a city which invites more healthy lifestyles. By being sweet to the pedestrians and sweet to the bicyclists, you can actually accomplish quite a bit of all these goals.“ Professor Jan Gehl

9 Relevance to Canberra Attracting Generation Y – prefer walkable, vibrant places to live Ageing population – ageing in place, physical and mental health Redevelopment areas and new growth areas – offer potential Good infrastructure in place – schools, bikeways One Government can support co-ordination & integration Topography and climate is conducive to active living

10 Design Elements that promote active lifestyles

11 Create Walkable Neighborhoods
Have legible streets and connected activities such as schools, shops Encourage local trips to be made by walking and cycling by having direct routes to activities

12 Plan for Walking & Cycling
Walking is free and has great health benefits - especially walking to school & local services Walkways may be shared: walking, cycling, prams, scooters Walking routes should be safe – road crossings, pavement surface Cycling facilities important to encourage use – lockers, showers, maps

13 Design for surveillance and safety
Create safe environments for activity Perceptions of safety are a major influence for people’s willingness to be active Pathways should also be safe to minimize falls and injuries

14 Encourage Use of Public Transport
Well located and convenient public transport to encourage use over private vehicles Shelters and signage important & accessibility to bus/train/tram People that use public transport also walk to the train/bus stop

15 Provide Passive and Active Recreation
Adequate, serviced and well located recreation areas and parklands Multipurpose – school ovals Private/public partnerships

16 Promote Mixed Land-Use
Activities grouped together to minimise trips, especially residential, retail, employment, recreation and public transport Local and regional activities Promotes walking, cycling and the use of public transport Local businesses also benefit

17 Provide opportunities for interaction
Meeting Places & Public Places that support a variety of interactions between people

18 Food Security/Agricultural Land Protection
Some States have planning policies that seek to protect good quality agricultural land – for example in Queensland with a State Planning Policy on the Protection of Good Agricultural Land Peri-urban (fringe) areas of cities are under the most stress to convert agricultural production to housing development as cities continue to expand Community Gardens – local community based 100 mile diet (Canada)

19 Food Outlets Links between areas of socio-disadvantage and higher number of fast food outlets (VicLanes project) Local & Regional food outlets should be well located with good pedestrian/ public transport/car access Planning Legislation does not regulate the type of food that is sold – but can monitor the location of fast food outlets (this is done in Victoria) & may limit increasing the number of sites Farmers markets are being promoted by many Councils This needs more research and sharing of case studies


21 Partnership Healthy Spaces and Places is a partnership between:
Australian Local Government Association the Heart Foundation Planning Institute of Australia This project has received funding assistance from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing

22 Value of Partnership Unique Partnership
Memorandum of Understanding underpins partnership Leveraging knowledge, advocacy and networks Stronger influence for change

23 Project design Four project stages are identified:
Scoping – during 2007 Consultation – workshops mid - late 2008 Implementation – 08/09 Evaluation

24 Supporting current initiatives
Development of a national guide looks to complement: NSW Premier’s Council for Active Living Victoria ‘Healthy by Design’ and ‘Go for your life’ Premier’s Physical Activity Taskforce & ‘Walk WA’ Chief Minister’s Active Living Council & ‘Go NT’ Tasmanian Premier’s Active Living Council & ‘Get Moving Tasmania’ South Australian Active Living Coalition & ‘Be active’ Queensland – emergent issues

25 Healthy Spaces and Places project is about:
recognizing how everyday urban management decisions can influence people’s health and well-being recognizing the complexity and cross-disciplinary/-sectoral nature of the issues raising awareness setting a national policy agenda supporting current State/local initiatives

26 What are we trying to achieve?
improved understanding amongst health and planning professionals of how the built environment influences active living people engaging in regular physical activity sense of belonging and social inclusion sense of place positive health impacts on future health burden sustained economic well-being

27 Consultation Discussion draft available shortly from PIA website, with links to ALGA and Heart Foundation websites Workshops in metropolitan and regional locations First workshop in Adelaide on 15 May (tbc) Also can submit comments on-line at

28 Healthy Spaces and Places
We welcome you involvement and comments Please contact project manager (Anne Moroney) or 02/

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