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Presentation on theme: "Longer Texts: UNDERLINE/ITALICIZE"— Presentation transcript:

Grammar Lesson A Longer Texts: UNDERLINE/ITALICIZE Shorter Texts: QUOTE Novels Plays Magazines Newspapers Films Television programs Long poems Works of visual art Comic strips Video games Websites Album titles Essays Articles from magazines, newspapers, etc. Short stories Short poems Songs Television program episodes

2 Grammar Lesson A, cont. Should we underline/italicize or quote the following titles? Miller’s The Crucible The Onion Twain’s Advice to Youth Hurston’s Crazy for this Democracy Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart



5 Grammar Lesson B Define the following parts of speech: Noun –
Pronoun – Antecedent –

6 Proper Nouns

7 Common Nouns

8 Using Pronouns

9 Identify Pronouns

10 Pronoun Agreement

11 Indefinite Pronouns


13 Grammar Lesson C Define the following parts of speech: Verb –
Adjective – Adverb – Article –

14 Articles

15 A vs. An

16 Verbs

17 Adjectives

18 Comparative Adjectives

19 Superlative Adjectives

20 Adverbs vs. Adjectives


22 Grammar Lesson D Preposition – Conjunction – Interjection –
Coordinating – Correlative – Subordinating – Interjection –

23 Prepositions

24 Coordinating Conjunctions

25 Subordinating Conjunctions

26 Correlative Conjunctions

27 Interjections! Wow! List of Interjections
adios ah aha ahem ahoy alack alas all hail alleluia aloha amen attaboy aw ay bah begorra behold bejesus bingo bleep boo bravo bye cheerio cheers ciao crikey cripes dear doh duh eh encore eureka fie gee gee whiz gesundheit  goodness gosh great hah ha-ha hail hallelujah heigh-ho hello hem hey hey presto hi hip hmm ho ho hum hot dog howdy hoy huh humph hurray hush indeed jeepers creepers jeez lo and behold man my word now ooh oops ouch phew phooey pip-pip  pooh pshaw rats righto scat shoo shoot so so long there touché tush tut tut-tut ugh uh-huh uh-oh uh-uh viva voila wahoo well what whoa whoopee whoops whoosh wow yay yes yikes yippee yo yoicks yoo-hoo yuk yummy zap

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