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The three ‘V’s of good Acting

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1 The three ‘V’s of good Acting
The time approaches for the final dress rehearsal and the first performance, the good actor takes stock in order to determine whether his or her approach is fundamentally correct and whether the actor is going to realize the full potential of the role. Three V’s of good acting must be a part of every performance.

2 VITALITY : Is the one most difficult to define precisely in terms of the theatre.
Vitality has been defined in the dictionary as “ vital power, the ability to sustain life” For the actor vitality must mean the infusing of the character with the intensity we except to find in any living thing. The actor will usually feel more energy being used when performing before an opening night audience than he or she had used during any of the rehearsal.

3 The intelligent actor will channel this energy into the vitalization of the role. Vitality must not be confused with loudness, exaggeration, or overemphasis One may think of vitality as the insatiable urge to communicate to an audience all that one has within oneself..

4 VARIETY :- A common failing of beginning actors is repetitiousness
VARIETY :- A common failing of beginning actors is repetitiousness. Variety is vocal expressiveness and business and in the handling of the body and movement is necessary in every role. Variety in acting is as necessary as in diet. Constant repetition of a style of phrasing and a piece of business or movement, or the unvaried pacing of dialogue, soon calls attention to itself. The actor would do well to understand that variety is one of the most important considerations in bringing balance to a performance.

5 VALIDITY:- Validity may simply be called truth or honesty
VALIDITY:- Validity may simply be called truth or honesty. Validity requires that the actor work honestly and believe in what he or she is doing with the role. As the actor appraises his or her work, honesty must be the touchstone for measuring accomplishment.

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