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On coronal streamer changes

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1 On coronal streamer changes
N. Goplasmwamy, M. Shimojo, W. Lu, S. Yashiro, K. Shibasaki, R.A. Howard Advances In Space Research 2004, 33, 2004年6月14日 太陽雑誌会 速報 (森本)            プロミネンス爆発ゼミ

2 Abstract Motivation : How ? Main result :
Coronal streamer represents one of the pre-eruption configuration of CMEs. … Characteristics of the streamer-related events. NoRH & SOHO observations on streamer changes with prominence eruptions. Illustrative examples streamer-related VS. general prominence events. How ? Streamer-related events are closer to those of prominence eruptions with transverse trajectories. Main result :

3 Introduction Streamer events :
Streamer activities (which show rise motions) with microwave prominence activations or eruptions. These events do not include CMEs.

4 Illustrative examples
11 events. 34.3 km/s -12.8 km/s 1.32 Rs 1.09 Rs Date P-angle Speed Max. Height Subsequent CME (Time) NoRH daily mpeg : Overlapped with SOHO LASCO Lacked white-light CMEs Streamer changes were found 226 prominence eruptions 186 52 11

5 2000 Jan 18 NoRH (17/23:11 – 18/06:11 UT) SOHO LASCO 18th all day

6 2000 Jan 18 NoRH 1. Mainly transversal motion (radial speed = 5.2 km/s)

7 2000 Jan 18 Pic du Midi 2. Ha prominence eruption

8 2000 Jan 18 LASCO 2. Eruption as a CME (CME speed = 143 km/s within C2 FOV) Slow Swelling during NoRH Observation (11 hours) The streamer changes (corresponding to prominence activation or small scale eruption) is slow swelling.

9 1998 Jun 01 NoRH (31/22:46 – 01/06:36 UT) SOHO LASCO (01th all day)

10 1998 Jun 01 NoRH & LASCO Continuous slow swelling from 01th 01:30 UT
CME (onset = 02th 08:08 UT) Slow rise (~ 8km/s)

11 1998 Jan 01 EIT Northern part showed a “failed eruption”
(05:00 – 06:56 UT). In emission = heated? The whole NoRH prominence is seen in absorption

12 199 Jan 01 EIT & NoRH EIT ejecta (denoted by the arrow) reached as high as the leading edge of the microwave prominence. Overlay of the 17GHz contours on an EIT difference image.

13 Summary Transverse events : transversal motion is dominant. Radial event : radial motion is dominant Transversal motion (prominence activation) is the dominant for the majority of streamer-related events.

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