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What is MySpace MySpace is a free online community composed of personal profiles aimed foremostly at a younger membership. A MySpace profile typically.

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Presentation on theme: "What is MySpace MySpace is a free online community composed of personal profiles aimed foremostly at a younger membership. A MySpace profile typically."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is MySpace MySpace is a free online community composed of personal profiles aimed foremostly at a younger membership. A MySpace profile typically includes a digital photo and in-depth information about personal interests. The amount of detail included in the profile is up to the user and submitted voluntarily. MySpace policy requires users be at least 14 years of age to join. Members routinely send each other messages and network or socialize within the MySpace community. The format of MySpace makes it easy for anyone to submit profile information, even if they have little online experience. Though the domain has proved incredibly popular, reportedly hosting over 60 million profiles, it has also come under fire. The concern is that the vast majority of MySpace members may be too inexperienced to realize the potential danger of posting personal information online. Some profiles contain not only a picture, but the user's first and last name, location, and details like favorite music and foods. This information enables a predator to easily target and befriend a victim.

2 Revenue model Myspace operates solely on revenues generated by advertising as its user model possesses no paid-for features for the end user. [66] Through its Web site and affiliated ad networks, Myspace is second only to Yahoo! in its capacity to collect data about its users and thus in its ability to use behavioral targeting to select the ads each visitor sees. [67] [66]Yahoo!behavioral targeting [67] On August 8, 2006, search engine Google signed a $900 million deal to provide a Google search facility and advertising on Myspace. [68][69][70] Myspace has proven to be a windfall for many smaller companies that provide widgets or accessories to the social networking giant. Companies such as, RockYou!, and YouTube were all launched on Myspace as widgets providing additional functionality to the site. Other sites created layouts to personalize the site and made hundreds of thousands of dollars for its owners most of whom were in their late teens and early twenties. [71][72]Google [68][69][70]Slide.comRockYou! [71][72] In November 2008, Myspace announced that user-uploaded content that infringed on copyrights held by MTV and its subsidiary networks would be redistributed with advertisements that would generate revenue for the companies. [73] [73]

3 Website features Bulletins are posts that are posted on to a "bulletin board" for everyone on a Myspace user's friends list to see. Bulletins can be useful for contacting an entire friends list without resorting to messaging users individually. They have also become the primary attack point for phishing. Bulletins are deleted after ten days.phishing Myspace had a 'Groups' feature that allowed a group of users to share a common page and message board. Groups could be created by anybody, and the moderator of the group could choose for anyone to join, or to approve or deny requests to join. In November 2010, the group feature was turned off; a user clicking on the "Groups" link in the features menu was led to a page that announced that groups were being revamped, and the user could sign up to be informed of when groups would come back. A similar message has been posted repeatedly in the Help page. No date for the reappearance of the group has been mentioned.Help

4 Moods Moods are small emoticons that are used to depict a mood the user is in. The feature was added in July 2007. The mood feature as of 2010 is not included by default with the status updates, but could be shared on the homepage as a separate updateemoticons

5 Comments Below the User's Friends Space (by default) is the "comments" section, wherein the user's friends may leave comments for all viewers to read. Myspace users have the option to delete any comment or require all comments to be approved before posting. If a user's account is deleted, every comment left on other profiles by that user will be deleted, and replaced with the comment saying "This Profile No Longer Exists". The option of using HTML in comments could be enabled or disabled.

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