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CS5412: Using Gossip to Build Overlay Networks

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1 CS5412: Using Gossip to Build Overlay Networks
CS5412, Spring 2016 CS5412: Using Gossip to Build Overlay Networks Lecture XX Ken Birman

2 Gossip and Network Overlays
A topic that has received a lot of recent attention Today we’ll look at three representative approaches Scribe, a topic-based pub-sub system that runs on the Pastry DHT (slides by Anne-Marie Kermarrec) Sienna, a content-subscription overlay system (slides by Antonio Carzaniga) T-Man, a general purpose system for building complex network overlays (slides by Ozalp Babaoglu) CS5412, Spring 2016

3 Scribe Research done by the Pastry team, at MSR lab in Cambridge England Basic idea is simple Topic-based publish/subscribe Use topic as a key into a DHT Subscriber registers with the “key owner” Publisher routes messages through the DHT owner Optimization to share load If a subscriber is asked to forward a subscription, it doesn’t do so and instead makes note of the subscription. Later, it will forward copies to its children CS5412, Spring 2016

4 Architecture SCRIBE PASTRY TCP/IP Scalable communication service
Subscription management Event notification SCRIBE P2P location and routing layer PASTRY DHT TCP/IP Internet CS5412, Spring 2016

5 Design Construction of a multicast tree based on the Pastry network
Reverse path forwarding Tree used to disseminate events Use of Pastry route to create and join groups CS5412, Spring 2016

6 SCRIBE: Tree Management
Create: route to groupId Join: route to groupId Tree: union of Pastry routes from members to the root. Multicast: from the root down to the leaves Low link stress Low delay Root join( groupId) groupId Forwards two copies Multicast (groupId) join( groupId) CS5412, Spring 2016

7 SCRIBE: Tree Management
d467c4: root 26b20d d471f1 d467c4: root Proximity space d13da3 65a1fc 65a1fc Name space d13da3 CS5412, Spring 2016 26b20d

8 Concerns? Pastry tries to exploit locality but could these links send a message from Ithaca… to Kenya… to Japan… What if a relay node fails? Subscribers it serves will be cut off They refresh subscriptions, but unclear how often this has to happen to ensure that the quality will be good (Treat subscriptions as “leases” so that they evaporate if not refreshed… no need to unsubscribe…) CS5412, Spring 2016

9 SCRIBE: Failure Management
Reactive fault tolerance Tolerate root and nodes failure Tree repair: local impact Fault detection: heartbeat messages Local repair CS5412, Spring 2016

10 Scribe: performance 1500 groups, 100,000 nodes, 1msg/group
Low delay penalty Good partitioning and load balancing Number of groups hosted per node : 2.4 (mean) 2 (median) Reasonable link stress: Mean msg/link : 2.4 (0.7 for IP) Maximum link stress: 4*IP CS5412, Spring 2016

11 Topic distribution Group Size Topic Rank Windows Update Stock Alert
Instant Messaging Topic Rank CS5412, Spring 2016

12 Concern about this data set
Synthetic, may not be terribly realistic In fact we know that subscription patterns are usually power-law distributions, so that’s reasonable But unlikely that the explanation corresponds to a clean Zipf-like distribution of this nature (indeed, totally implausible) Unfortunately, this sort of issue is common when evaluating very big systems using simulations Alternative is to deploy and evaluate them in use… but only feasible if you own Google-scale resources! CS5412, Spring 2016

13 Delay penalty Mean = 1.66 Median =1.56 Cumulative Number of Topics
1500 1250 1000 Mean = 1.66 Median =1.56 Cumulative Number of Topics 750 500 250 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 CS5412, Spring 2016 Delay Penalty Relative to IP

14 Node stress: 1500 topics Mean = 6.2 Median =2 Number of nodes
Total number of children table entries CS5412, Spring 2016

15 Scribe Link stress Mean = 1.4 Median = 0 Maximum stress Link stress
40000 Scribe Mean = 1.4 Median = 0 35000 IP Multicast 30000 25000 Number of Links 20000 15000 Maximum stress 10000 5000 1 10 100 1000 10000 Link stress CS5412, Spring 2016

16 T-Man T-Man CS5412, Spring 2016

17 Where do things go next? In recent work we’ve been looking at “rigid” overlays The data center tracks membership and reports it The membership data is used to construct a graph of who will talk to who in each (asynchronous) messaging round It turns out to be interesting to run gossip on this overlay There is a privacy-preserving way to do data mining that uses this approach: the fixed nature of the overlay is useful Sensitive data never leaves end-user devices (like smart phones) User can query the system but only sees the aggregated data (histograms) not the raw data. Can even tolerate attackers CS5412, Spring 2016

18 Things we discovered There are really three separate questions here
What value do overlay networks bring? For this recent work, they help us efficiently ask questions about private data without leaking it How should we build the overlay itself? T-Man uses gossip, but this isn’t obligatory. Our new approach uses a special kind of graph. What attacks can be launched against the overlay? This was a weakness of T-Man: it can be tricked into creating a misshapen overlay. Our new approach is attack tolerant. CS5412, Spring 2016

19 Summary Overlay networks are a powerful concept that can extend the cloud into the network in a structured way, with many benefits: fault-tolerance, attack tolerance, very efficient structures Then we can run tasks like data querying on the overlay, and this can be beneficial In the future Internet of Things we will probably see more and more work that use these ideas CS5412, Spring 2016

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