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Recognise this? What is the link to A Minor Role?

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Presentation on theme: "Recognise this? What is the link to A Minor Role?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recognise this? What is the link to A Minor Role?
All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts… Jaques, As You Like It Recognise this? What is the link to A Minor Role?

2 How does Fanthorpe link theatricality to serious illness?

3 What different ‘roles’ do you ‘play’ in life and how do you adapt your persona to do so?

4 Unpick stanza 1


6 Ursula Fanthorpe • Attended St Anne’s College Oxford,
Head of English at Cheltenham Ladies’ College. • Only began writing when she turned her back on her teaching career to become a receptionist at a psychiatric hospital Observation of the patients provided the inspiration for her first book, Side Effects (Peterloo Poets, 1978). Talking of her war-time childhood, Fanthorpe said, ‘I think it's important not to run away’, • Poetry seems to encapsulate those traditional, stoic English values we associate with the period. • England and Englishness are central themes in her work, but such a reading misses the wit and sly debunking of national myth which mark Fanthorpe's sensibility.

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