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Larix decidua M ILL. Elena Foffová, 1 Vladimír Foff 2, Roman Longauer 1 1 National Forest Centre Control of Forest Reproductive Material 2 LIA, Ltd. Forestry.

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Presentation on theme: "Larix decidua M ILL. Elena Foffová, 1 Vladimír Foff 2, Roman Longauer 1 1 National Forest Centre Control of Forest Reproductive Material 2 LIA, Ltd. Forestry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Larix decidua M ILL. Elena Foffová, 1 Vladimír Foff 2, Roman Longauer 1 1 National Forest Centre Control of Forest Reproductive Material 2 LIA, Ltd. Forestry Information Agency

2 Species Category [ha]Total 1234 [ha] Count Coniferous species P. abies 186284186321539 A. alba 4301 921 P. sylvestris 31085731641265 L. decidua 12319813281297 P. nigra 138914781 P. cembra 99610572 P. menziesii 30 278 Broadleaved species F. sylvatica 25334 1742 Q. petraea 452734530753 F. excelsior 4582459346 Q. robur 302 154 A. pseudoplatanus 2832285293 A. glutinosa 1051106185 B. pendula 25 9 Q. ceris 49 8 T. cordata 52254128 Q. rubra 30 5 C. betulus 27 4 Slovakia Total area:4 901 000 ha Area of forests:1 929 000 ha 40,1 %

3 Species% P. abies26,1 A. alba4,0 P. sylvestris7,2 L. decidua2,4 P. mugo1,1 Total40,8 Species% Quercus10,2 Q. cerris2,5 Fagus31,2 Carpinus5,7 Acer2,0 Fraxinus1,4 Robinia1,7 Betula1,4 Alnus0,8 Tilia0,4 Populus0,9 Other0,3 Total29,2

4 Distribution area of Larix decidua

5 Distribution area of Larix decidua in Slovakia

6 Larix decidua - sources Regions of provenances Approved stands RegionCountArea 138115 2368581 3116261 4610 5164287 62744 Total7191298 Trees Count 18 355 81 77 246 144 719 Orchards CountArea 23,00 818,48 13,50 11,50 1246,96 35,0 2778,44

7 Larix decidua – seeds and plants Seeds Year Region of provenances 123456Total 20049524310239 200521111823 20068331196481646753 200715195382013268 Seeds [in kg] Year Region of provenances 123456Total 20049524310239 200521111823 20068331196481646753 200715195382013268 Inventory of plants [in 1 000 pieces] Year Age of plants [in years] 12345Total 20044 4162 8381 329334558 972 20054 9163 6431 027326279 939 20064 8363 9651 6153086510 789 20075 0143 7561 7526823111 235 Reforestation [in 1 000 pieces] Year Age of plants [in years] 12345Total 20041 7791 004307553 145 20052 028751262273 068 20062 213933276653 487 20072 0021 323606313 962

8 Larix decidua – provenance research Podbanské - IUFRO I.55 provenances1944 Czech Republic, Slovakia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Poland, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland Podbanské - IUFRO II.14 provenances1958–1959 Austria, Italy, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Romania Likavka5 provenances1908 Larix decidua, Larix leptolepis, Larix sibirica ŠLP Zvolen12 provenances1961 Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany Antol27 provenances1987 - 1992 Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany Hnilčík16 provenances1987 - 1992 Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany Mlynky8 provenances1987 - 1992 Slovakia

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