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Colons NEC FACET Center. Using colons will give your sentences variety.

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Presentation on theme: "Colons NEC FACET Center. Using colons will give your sentences variety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colons NEC FACET Center

2 Using colons will give your sentences variety.

3 Use a colon to show that a direct quote will follow.

4 Kate Chopin opens The Story of an Hour with this sentence: Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husbands death. Kate Chopin opens The Story of an Hour with this sentence: Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husbands death. This colon leads into a quote.

5 Do not use colons to introduce every direct quotation. The structure of your sentence determines of your sentence determines what punctuation mark you should use.

6 1. The word echoed in Louise Mallards mind: Free! Free! Free! (a colon) 2. The little blond girl remarked, You are not a friend of Luciana because Im her cousin and I know all her friends. And I dont know you. (a comma) 3. The less affluent townspeople considered wealthy Richard Cory a gentleman from sole to crown. (No punctuation is needed because the quote is part of the sentence structure.)

7 Use a colon when the words introducing the quotation form a complete sentence in themselves. Use a colon when the words introducing the quotation form a complete sentence in themselves.

8 Use a colon to introduce a list if the introductory words could serve introductory words could serve as a complete sentence in themselves. as a complete sentence in themselves. Would you please explain?

9 Jim packed a healthy lunch for the road: a turkey sandwich, veggie chips and a banana. This is a complete sentence with a list following it. The number of participants exceeded my expectations: Roger Williams, Lisa Turner, Brent Stall, Mina Smith, and Debbie Talon. Complete sentence with a list following

10 Marge bought rice, hamburger meat, and salsa. We made kites, drums, and stockings for the holiday parade. Do not use a colon every time you have a list. Do not use a colon every time you have a list. The sentence must be complete with a list following. The sentence must be complete with a list following. These sentences do not need colons because they are not complete without the list.

11 The teacher brought: the test, pencils, and Scantron sheets. The teacher brought: the test, pencils, and Scantron sheets. Tom likes all forms of chocolate such as: candy bars, cookies, cake, and ice cream. Tom likes all forms of chocolate such as: candy bars, cookies, cake, and ice cream.

12 The bouquet consists of: orchids, lilacs, and freesia. The bouquet consists of: orchids, lilacs, and freesia. Among other things, Borders sells: novels, stationary, and cards. Among other things, Borders sells: novels, stationary, and cards.

13 Use a colon to separate an appositive at the end of a sentence if the words preceding the end of a sentence if the words preceding the comma can stand alone as a the comma can stand alone as a complete sentence. Need an explanation? Continue on...

14 The famous Louvre in Paris owns one of Leonardo Di Vincis most famous paintings: the mysterious Mona Lisa. The famous Louvre in Paris owns one of Leonardo Di Vincis most famous paintings: the mysterious Mona Lisa. Although often dealing with serious issues, the television series Mash carried one light-hearted message: people can find humor even in the worst of times. Although often dealing with serious issues, the television series Mash carried one light-hearted message: people can find humor even in the worst of times.

15 Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper explores an important theme: gender equality.

16 Use a colon following the salutation in a business letter. salutation in a business letter.

17 Dear Dr. Robbins: Dear Ms. Baxter: To Whom It May Concern:

18 Use a comma after the salutation in a personal letter to a friend or relative. Use a comma after the salutation in a personal letter to a friend or relative. Dear Aunt Rose, Dear Jason,

19 Use a colon after each of the four standard headings at the top of an interoffice memo.

20 Interoffice Memorandum Interoffice Memorandum To: Date: From: Subject:

21 Use a colon between titles and subtitles of books, articles, and essays. of books, articles, and essays.

22 The Future of Nuclear Energy: A Nightmare or a Dream Come True? The Future of Nuclear Energy: A Nightmare or a Dream Come True?

23 Ten Steps to Practical Dieting: A Womans Guide

24 as you write!

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