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Involvement of SI services in whole school development

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1 Involvement of SI services in whole school development
Alison Weaver June 2018

2 Aim of session To consider how SI services can contribute to broader strategic/whole school developments - benefits of broader engagement - challenges - risks How do we use our specialist knowledge to support and implement change in schools/trusts/LAs, while at the same time retaining the capacity to meet the specific needs of children and young people with sensory impairments? If we can influence change at LA/trust/whole school level, can we be more effective and “efficient” in delivering specialist support?

3 Benefits of broader engagement?
Promote good practice and understanding re needs of impact of SI Increase opportunities and improve outcomes for learners with SI Increase knowledge, understanding and impact of team members – impact on recruitment and retention All strategic developments affecting the delivery of SEND will impact on those with SI including: National developments/legislation LA/MAT responses Mainstream developments SEND reforms/strategic developments Developments in area of specialism

4 How can we be involved? At LA level:
Who is leading strategic development – mainstream and special? How is your service/school/trust represented in discussions? Are there effective communication processes in place from team members through to strategic decision makers?

5 How can we be involved? At LA/school level
What policies/practices are in place that impact on learners with SI How are decisions made? Information Data Funding Communication Training

6 How can we be involved? As a service working in a school:
What do you know about the school as a whole Ofsted category Overall outcomes Overall SEN provision How can you link with other services working within the school to promote a whole school approach that will benefit all learners with SEND including those with SI?

7 Challenges What challenges do you need to overcome to influence practice at a strategic level? Size of LA/MAT Organisational structure Capacity Lines of communication Access to data Culture of organization Location of service

8 Opportunities for engagement
Information Engagement/communication with decision making boards Internal communications/briefings/networks/newsletters to schools Contributions to “generic” processes and training: funding/SENCO Networks/reasonable expectations on schools re SEN Support/SEN processes

9 To conclude: Engagement and support for strategic development at a LA, MAT or whole school level is essential to improving outcomes for children and young people with SI and their families. The challenge for heads of service will be to promote that engagement, understanding and information sharing at all levels

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