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The Manhattan project By Jonathan shu.

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Presentation on theme: "The Manhattan project By Jonathan shu."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Manhattan project By Jonathan shu

2 What was the Manhattan project?
The Manhattan project was the process of developing the first nuclear bomb.

3 How much did it cost?(part 1)
The project cost about 2.2 billion in today’s money. (basically that times 1,000,000) 

4 What were the bombs called?
The nuclear weapons were called little boy and fat man This is little boy  -----this is fat man

5 How much did it cost?(part 2)
Little boy cost about 200,000 lives and fat man took about 40,000 lives 

6 2 The nuclear bomb was actually based on Einstein’s famous equation, E=MC . The equation states that energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. This means that energy can be converted into mass, and vice versa. 2 E=MC

7 What new discoveries came as a result?
The manhattan project opened up new fields of study, such as fusion and nuclear energy.

8 What is fission? Fission is the splitting of atoms, which produces energy by turning mass into energy.

9 What was the hydrogen bomb?
The H-bomb was first tested on an island. It was called mike, and it was part of operation ivy. The bomb vaporized the island, along with 80 million tons of coral.

10 Here is a comparison between the world’s most powerful nuclear bombs:
Con. From prev. slide

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