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Post-Lab #4: Floating Leaf Disks and Photosynthesis

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1 Post-Lab #4: Floating Leaf Disks and Photosynthesis

2 the point at which 50% of the leaf disks are floating Called the ET-50
What is ET-50? the point at which 50% of the leaf disks are floating Called the ET-50 Estimated Time it takes 50% (1/2) of the disks to float

3 How do I find the ET-50? Using graph paper, plot your data…
Time (in minutes) on X-axis Leaf disks floating (in number) on Y-axis Connect data points to determine your 50% point (ET-50) This is the point at which 50% of the leaf disks are floating Since you used 10 disks per trial, you want to look at the time it took for half (5 disks) to float

4 How do I find the ET-50? EXAMPLE: For the Figure 4.1 below,
ET-50 = 11.5 minutes Make 4 graphs… 50 cm light 30 cm light Control Dark Leaf Disks (#) ( )

5 How do I use ET-50 to find the rate of photosynthesis?
The larger the ET-50, the slower the rate of Photosynthesis (PS) Photosynthesis takes LONGER! The smaller the PS ET-50, the faster the rate of Photosynthesis (PS) Photosynthesis occurs FASTER! RATE OF Photosynthesis  =   1/ET-50 (expressed with a unit of min-1) NOTE: You will NOT be using the typical rate equation (∆y/∆x) to find rates in this lab!

6 How do I use ET-50 to find the rate of photosynthesis?
EXAMPLE: For the Figure 4.1 below, ET-50 = 11.5 minutes So…rate of photosynthesis= 1/11.5 = min-1 Leaf Disks (#) ( )

7 Larger # for rate of photosynthesis
MEANS FASTER rate But… smaller ET-50 Example: 1/5 min = 0.20 min-1 1/11 min = 0.09 min-1

8 What happens in the 30 cm light/Dark Treatment?
Complete is the following in your lab notebook: 1 graph for your data for ALL 30 minutes Determine rate of photosynthesis (during first 15 minutes of this treatment) using ET-50PS Use minute value at which 50% (5 disks) of disks are floating  complete the calculation (1/ET-50PS)….this is your rate of photosynthesis Determine rate of cellular respiration (during last 15 minutes of this treatment) using ET-50CR Use minute value at which 50% (5 disks) of disks have re-sunk (fallen back down to the bottom of the cup) Then complete the calculation (1/ET-50CR)….this is your rate of cellular respiration

9 Rate of photosynthesis = 1/ 11 = 0
Rate of photosynthesis = 1/ 11 = min-1 Rate of cellular respiration = 1/ 32= min-1 O2 released by PS O2 consumed by CR Leaf Disks (#) ( )

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