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Wakulla County Airport

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Presentation on theme: "Wakulla County Airport"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wakulla County Airport
State Environmental Impact Report

2 Completed Tasks Public Involvement Plan and Project Newsletter
Efficient Transportation Decision making (ETDM) has been submitted to FDOT Should be uploaded in the Environmental Screening Tool (EST) by end of July Field reviews: Wetlands and Wildlife Cultural and Social Engineering Analysis Contamination Utilities

3 Ongoing and Upcoming Tasks
Data collection and desktop analysis for the engineering analysis and report Existing characteristics Floodplain analysis Design analysis Concept Plans Data collection and desktop analysis for the environmental analysis and report Conceptual Mitigation Plan Permit conditions Noise and air quality Geotechnical Field Review Cultural Resource Assessment Survey draft documentation ETDM Screening and Summary Report

4 What’s Next? Environmental and engineering analysis
Public and stakeholder involvement 1 additional Wakulla Board of County Commission (BOCC) Meeting 1 Wakulla County Public Hearing in late 2016 Continue development of the SEIR report

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