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Ka-Ping Yee Danyel Fisher Rachna Dhamija InfoVis Fall 2000

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Presentation on theme: "Ka-Ping Yee Danyel Fisher Rachna Dhamija InfoVis Fall 2000"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ka-Ping Yee Danyel Fisher Rachna Dhamija InfoVis Fall 2000
gnuTellaVision Ka-Ping Yee Danyel Fisher Rachna Dhamija InfoVis Fall 2000

2 Gnutella: how it works Current interfaces & viz Problems & Solutions Demo Conclusions

3 Gnutella brief overview and animation of message sequence

4 Gnutella brief overview and animation of message sequence

5 Gnutella find hosts brief overview and animation of message sequence

6 Gnutella find hosts brief overview and animation of message sequence

7 Gnutella ping brief overview and animation of message sequence

8 Gnutella pong brief overview and animation of message sequence

9 Gnutella pong brief overview and animation of message sequence

10 Gnutella pong brief overview and animation of message sequence

11 Gnutella query brief overview and animation of message sequence

12 Gnutella query TTL=2 brief overview and animation of message sequence

13 Gnutella query TTL=3 query
brief overview and animation of message sequence

14 Gnutella query hit brief overview and animation of message sequence

15 Gnutella download file
brief overview and animation of message sequence

16 Gnutella interfaces

17 Problem what does the network look like? how am I connected?
find "good" hosts (lots of files, reliable, etc.) where do my search messages go? where do results come from? network/node diagnostics what are people offering/searching for? where do I find X? who else is searching for X? [present questions our viz answers]

18 Previous work - gnutella vizzes (clip2dss, graphviz diagram) problems: these are overcrowded and not dynamic - other dynamic network vizzes?

19 Previous work Graphing the structure of the Gnutella network by Steve G. Steinberg. Data on the structure of the network was gathered using a modified Gnutella client to perform the equivalent of traceroute and then the maps were created using Graphviz.

20 What we did Collect data Viz in realtime! Gnutella python module
Python and TKinter viz issues: the info we are trying to convey and how we did it

21 A preview Network graph = Ping's layout algorithm
Node size = number of files Node color and border = connection state Line color = direct/indirect connections between nodes Text = node info and search queries Interactivity = drop searches, click on nodes

22 Demo (have backup screen shots)

23 Observations Connectivity Small number of “big nodes”
Searches take a long time Future possibilities…. line width = reliability animation node selection = investigate node properties Interface widgets to support interactivity

24 Conclusions Future Work Python/TK is a great prototyping tool!
Improve layout Viz (line width, saturation) Node information (Profile of behavior and content) Interactivity Your ideas? Python/TK is a great prototyping tool! Future possibilities…. line width = reliability animation node selection = investigate node properties Interface widgets to support interactivity

25 Rejects

26 Rejects

27 Questions?


29 gnutella Ping brief overview and animation of message sequence

30 gnutella query brief overview and animation of message sequence

31 gnutella Ping brief overview and animation of message sequence

32 gnutella Ping brief overview and animation of message sequence

33 gnutella Ping brief overview and animation of message sequence

34 gnutella Ping brief overview and animation of message sequence

35 gnutella ping TTL=2 brief overview and animation of message sequence

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