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4 Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972)
M.C. Escher Born June 17th, 1898 in the Netherlands Died March 27th, in the Netherlands

5 Style or School Does not associate with a specific style or school.
Mostly compared to Optical Illusions Known as a Master of Symmetry

6 Most famous work Regular Division of Plane 1922
“At first I had no idea at all of the possibilities of systematically building up my figures. I did not know…this was possible for someone untrained in mathematics, and especially as a result of putting my own layman’s theory, which forced me to think through the possibilities” 1958

7 Key Events 4th and youngest son of a civil engineer.
Failed all high school exams. Enrolled in School for Architecture and Decorative Arts in Haarlem. 1 week later switched to graphic arts.

8 Key events Traveled through Italy after school where he met his wife Jetta. They married in 1924. Settled in Rome for 11 years where he continued to travel and sektech.

9 Key Events 448 lithographs, wood cuts, & wood engravings.
Over 2000 drawings & sketches

10 Public Acceptance By 1958 he had achieved remarkable fame.
Gave lectures, had first big exhibitions Featured in Time Received numerous awards including the Knighthood of the Oranje Nassau (1955)

11 Waterfall, 1961; wood cut

12 Relativity, 1953

13 Ascending and Descending, 1963

14 Drawing Hands, 1948; lithograph

15 Metamorphosis, 1937; woodcut

16 Sky and Water, 1938; woodcut

17 TESSELLATIONS Rule 1: The tessellation must tile a floor (that goes on forever) with no overlapping or gaps. Rule 2: The tiles must be all the same. Rule 3: Each center must be the same (where the shapes meet).

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