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Chapter 15 Years of Crisis 1919-1939.

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1 Chapter 15 Years of Crisis

2 I. Postwar Uncertainty A. Setting the Stage

3 B. A New Revolution in Science
1. Impact of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity a) Albert Einstein b) Theory of relativity – space and time are not constant

4 2. Influence of Freudian Psychology
a) Sigmund Freud

5 C. Literature in the 1920s 1. Writers Reflect Society’s Concerns 2. thinkers react of Uncertainties a) existentialism 1) Jean Paul Sartre 2) no universal meaning to life 3) each person creates his/her own meaning in life through choices made & actions taken

6 b) Friedrich Nietzsche

7 D. Revolution in the Arts
1. Artists Rebel Against Tradition a) surrealism – an art movement that sought to link the world of dreams with real life, inspired by Freud’s ideas Surreal means “beyond or above reality” Unconscious part of mind 2. Composers Try New Styles a) jazz emerged in the United States

8 E. Society Challenges Convention
1. Women’s Roles Change

9 F. Technological Advances Improve Life
1. The Automobile Alters Society 2. Airplanes Transform travel a) Charles Lindbergh 3. Radio & Movies dominate Popular Entertainment

10 II. A Worldwide Depression
A. Setting the stage

11 B. Postwar Europe 1. Unstable New Democracies a) coalition government – temporary alliance of several parties to for a parliamentary majorly

12 C. The Weimar Republic 1. Inflation causes crisis in German 2. Attempts at Economic Stability 3. Efforts at a lasting peace

13 D. Financial Collapse 1. A Flawed U.S. Economy 2. The Stock Market Crashes a) 1929, New York City

14 The Great Depression 1. A Global Depression 2. Effects Throughout the World

15 F. The World Confronts the Crisis
1. Britain Takes Steps to Improve its economy 2. France Responds to Economic Crisis 3. Socialists Governments Find Solutions 4. Recovery in the United States a) Franklin D. Roosevelt b) New Deal

16 III. Fascism Rises in Europe
A. Setting the Stage B. Fascism’s Rise in Italy 1. Mussolini Takes Control 2. Il duce’s Leadership

17 C. Hitler Rises to Power in Germany
1. Adolf Hitler 2. The Rise of the Nazis a) Nazism b) Mein Kampf c) lebensraum, living space

18 Hitler Becomes Chancellor
1. The Fuher is Supreme 2. Hitler Makes War on the Jews

19 E. Other Countries Fall to Dictators

20 IV. Aggressors Invade Nations
A. Setting the Stage B. Japan Seeks an Empire 1. Militarists take control of Japan 2. Japan invades Manchuria 3. Japan Invades China

21 C. European Aggressors on the March
1. Mussolini Attacks Ethiopia 2. Hitler Defies Versailles treaty a) appeasement b) Axis Powers

22 3. civil War Erupts in Spain
a) Francisco Franco

23 Democratic Nations Try to Preserve Peace
1. United States Follows an Isolationist Policy a) isolationism – belief that political ties to other countries should be avoided

24 2. The German Reich expands
a) the Third Reich

25 3. Britain & France Again Choose Appeasement
a) Munich Conference 4. Nazis & Soviets Sign Nonaggression Pact


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