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AP ECONOMICS: September 14

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1 AP ECONOMICS: September 14
Warm-up: Module 6 Exit Slip Learning Target (9-14) In order to establish a thorough understanding of the workings of a free market economy, I will analyze market equilibrium. I will know I have it when, on a supply and demand graph, I can show and explain examples of changes in equilibrium price and quantity due to simultaneously shifting supply and demand curves. --discuss Worksheet 7.3 (HO from earlier) --discuss four single shift scenarios (from yesterday) --Worksheet 7.5—double shifts (HO from earlier) -four simultaneous shift scenarios, all have either an ambiguous P or Q Closure: Design a single shift and double shift scenario using real-world examples of products Assignment: --FRQ (PPC & Comparative Advantage) is TOMORROW! --complete last two scenarios from Worksheet read Module 10 MCT #1 (part 1) and FRQ #2 is Thursday, Sept. 21st MCT #1 (part 2) and FRQ #3 is next Friday, Sept. 22nd

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