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Invertebrates activities

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1 Invertebrates activities
Pablo Guerrero

2 1.- Is it vertebrate or invertebrate?
You are going to see some animals Say if they are vertebrates or invertebrates Use complete sentences, as in the following example: This is a fly. It is an invertebrate. Or... The fly is an invertebrate

3 1.- Is it vertebrate or invertebrate?

4 1.- Is it vertebrate or invertebrate?

5 1.- Is it vertebrate or invertebrate?

6 1.- Is it vertebrate or invertebrate?

7 2.- Where do they live? You are going to see some invertebrate animals
Do you remember where they live? Use complete sentences, as in the following example: This is an earthworm. It is terrestrial It lives under ground It lives in forests

8 2.- Where does it live?

9 2.- Where does it live?

10 2.- Where does it live?

11 2.- Where does it live?

12 2.- Where does it live?

13 3.- How do they feed? Explain how these animals feed. Look at the small pictures: they give you some hints! Use complete sentences, as in the following example: Centipedes feed on other insects. Centipedes are carnivorous

14 3.- How do they feed?

15 3.- How do they feed?

16 3.- How do they feed?

17 3.- How do they feed?

18 3.- How do they feed?

19 3.- How do they feed?

20 4.- Describing invertebrates
If you want to describe invertebrates, you should use sentences that ask the following questions: · Where does it live? · How does it feed? · Which type of symmetry has it got? · What shape is it? · Which parts has it got? · How many legs has it got? · Where does it live? · How does it feed? · Which type of symmetry does it have? · What shape is it? · Which parts does it have? · How many legs does

21 4.- Describing invertebrates
An example of description: This animal lives in the ocean. It eats fish. It has got radial symmetry. It has an umbrella-like shape. It hasn't got legs. It has tentacles. It is a jellyfish!

22 4.- Describing invertebrates
Can you describe the following animal? This is a leech. It is an annelid

23 4.- Describing invertebrates
Can you describe the following animal? This is a squid. It is a mollusc, a cephalopod to be precise

24 4.- Describing invertebrates
Can you describe the following animal? This is a lobster. It is an arthropod, a crustacean to be precise

25 4.- Describing invertebrates
Can you describe the following animal? This is a sponge. It is a poriferan

26 4.- Describing invertebrates
Can you describe the following animal? This is a beetle. It is an arthropod, an insect to be precise

27 5.- Classifying invertebrates
In which groups do we classify the following animals? Animal Group Subgroup Arthropod Click to uncover Arachnid Click to uncover Click to uncover Click to uncover Click to uncover Click to uncover

28 5.- Classifying invertebrates
In which groups do we classify the following animals? Animal Group Subgroup Platyhelminth ----- Annelid Arthropod Centipede Click to uncover Click to uncover Click to uncover Click to uncover Click to uncover Click to uncover

29 5.- Classifying invertebrates
In which groups do we classify the following animals? Animal Group Subgroup Arthropod Crustacean Insect Arachnid Click to uncover Click to uncover Click to uncover Click to uncover Click to uncover Click to uncover

30 5.- Classifying invertebrates
In which groups do we classify the following animals? Animal Group Subgroup Mollusc Gastropod Platyhelminth ----- Bivalve Click to uncover Click to uncover Click to uncover Click to uncover Click to uncover Click to uncover

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