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Year 9-11 Guided Pathways Year 8 into 9

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1 Year 9-11 Guided Pathways Year 8 into 9
Miss Ferris Vice Principal **** See notes underneath each slide ****

2 and transforming lives.” Martyn Oliver Chief Executive
“Students first: Raising standards and transforming lives.” Martyn Oliver Chief Executive Outwood Grange Academies Trust Vision of CEO, Martyn Oliver

3 “Students first” The focus of our curriculum has always been and will continue to be: A broad and balanced education leading to high quality outcomes for all students Curriculum changed for Sept 2014 and again for Sept 2017; might have older brothers/sisters who have done a different model

4 “Students first” Broad and balanced curriculum
Innovative and knowledge engaging Focus on the basics of English and maths Entitlement for students to study the full EBacc In addition … More detail on all these later Knowledge engaging = we believe knowledge empowers skills

5 The Year 9-11 Curriculum Choices about qualification subjects start in Year 9 English Lang GCSE and English Lit GCSE; Maths GCSE; Science = Double/Combined GCSE/Separate Sciences of Ch Ph Biol EBacc subjects (Hi, Gg, MFL) = three year courses over Y9, 10, 11 (Eg …) (Three years to maximise chance of best possible grades) Other subjects (now incl Cs)= two years over Y9 and 10 (Eg …) (Proven success on this model) Expectation to choose at least one EBacc will be explained later, but basically it is about supporting students to achieve a ‘broad and balanced’ curriculum leading to a broad and balanced portfolio of qualifications that will keep doors open in the future This model will take some pressure off in Y11; and still return good grades in Y10

6 What are the Guided Pathway subjects?
Course choices which are personal to each student There will be a mixture of GCSE and other approved courses (eg Tech Award) Choose 3 subjects which students start in Year 9; some will complete in Year 10 and some will continue into Year 11 The Academy will offer information, advice and guidance to help students choose the courses that are right for them

7 What is the difference between GCSE and (eg) Tech Award?
GCSE courses tend to be assessed with a final (terminal) exam – which carries a significant weighting in the overall grade Technical Awards/Cambridge Nationals/Vocational Awards tend to be assessed with ongoing portfolio work and a smaller exam element

8 GCSEs have been reformed
They will be graded 9-1 instead of A*-G (with 9 being the highest grade) They are being phased in over the next few years A GCSE grade C+ is/was classed as a ‘good’ grade; a grade 5+ will be classed as a ‘strong’ grade For current Year 8 students, all GCSE subjects will be 9-1 You will see that a grade 5 is higher than a grade C – we will be raising our expectations and efforts to meet this new higher standard

9 Guided Pathway Subjects
Students to choose three subjects (plus two reserves) from these lists Students need to choose at least one subject from this list History (GCSE) Geography (GCSE) French (GCSE) German (GCSE) Spanish (GCSE) Art and Design (GCSE) Computer Science (GCSE) Engineering (BTEC Tech Award) Enterprise and marketing (Cambridge National) Hospitality and Catering (Vocational Award) Music (GCSE) Performing Arts (BTEC Tech Award) Sport and Coaching Principles (Vocational Award) Insert list of option subjects Make sure each course is clearly labelled as a GCSE or Tech Award (eg) Please mix up the lists so that GCSEs are not in one list and Tech Awards in another Remember – picking three to start in Y9 and complete some in Y10 and some continue into Y11 No pre-set blocks … Other than at least one EBacc subject, students choose from the list and we will set up the blocks to maximise student choices – Approx. 85% of students will study their top three preference subjects (what was the figure for your school ??) Why do we ask all students to choose at least one of the EBacc subjects ….. Facilitating subjects (because they opens doors later in life); broad and balanced; Attainment 8

10 What will it look like? Students will basically be one of three sorts of student: Students choosing one EBacc subject and two other subjects to start in Year 9 Students choosing two EBacc subjects and one other subject to start in Year 9 Students choosing three EBacc subjects and no other subjects to start in Year 9 No cohort is by ability Remember every student has to choose at least one EBacc – our rationale to follow

11 Students choosing one EBacc subject and two other subjects to start in Year 9
3 hrs. Year 10 2 hrs. 4 hrs. Year 11 Other Subject Other Subject Ebacc Subject Non-EBacc subjects completed at the end of Year 10 One of the Y9/10 courses could be OPMA – to support attainment in this key subject Leaves 6 hrs of Guided Pathway time in Y11 to allocate Could be 6 hr new subject or 3 hr new subject plus extra time for En/Ma

12 Students choosing two EBacc subjects and one other subject to start in Year 9
3 hrs. Year 10 2 hrs. 4 hrs. Year 11 Other Subject 2 hrs. Ebacc Subject Ebacc Subject Could be Full EBacc eg 1x MFL (eg …) and 1x Hums (eg …) Could also be eg History and Computer Science More about the Full EBacc later Non-EBacc subjects completed at the end of Year 10 The Y9/10 course could be OPMA – to support attainment in this key subject 2 hrs in Year 10 could be …. Discussion about use of this 2 hrs will commence at Xmas in Year 9 Leaves 3 hrs of Guided Pathway time in Y11 to allocate Could be 3 hr new subject or extra time for En/Ma

13 Students choosing three EBacc subjects
Year 9 3 hrs. Year 10 2 hrs. Year 11 2 hrs. 2 hrs. Ebacc Subject Ebacc Subject Ebacc Subject Could be Full EBacc eg 1x MFL (eg …) and 1x Hums (eg …) plus one other EBacc subject Very careful IAG for any student wishing to be on this pathway – leaves no Guided Pathway time in Year 11 4 hrs in Year 10 could be …. Discussion about use of this 4 hrs will commence at Xmas in Year 9 Leaves no hrs of Guided Pathway time in Y11 to allocate

14 What opportunities does this KS4 curriculum offer?
Flexibility to take new subjects in Year 11 As a default, 4 (in some cases 5) choices over three years Learning over time for Guided Pathway courses in Years 9, 10 (& 11) to promote best possible outcomes for students Chance to use Guided Pathway time to boost grades in core subjects

15 Begin with the end in mind.
Points to consider … Begin with the end in mind. Career ? A Levels ? But we know that this isn’t always possible at this stage and is subject to (many !!) changes We will guide students to keeping the overall package ‘broad and balanced’ … thus ensuring no doors are closed later in life

16 Full English Baccalaureate (Full EBacc)
Points to consider … Full English Baccalaureate (Full EBacc) GCSE English GCSE Maths GCSE Science × 2 Humanities – GCSE History or Geography Language – GCSE French, German or Spanish GCSE grades at 5+ Potential importance of full EBacc (and Language in particular) for University applications Science could be Double/Combined Science or 2/3 from Ph, Chem, Biol, Computer Sc All students will choose AT LEAST one of Hist/Geog or MFL or Computer Science in their Y9/10/11 Guided Pathways – this helps keep it ‘broad and balanced’ Emphasise difference between achieving the FULL EBacc (grades 5+ in all the subjects) and the requirement for all students to choose at least one EBacc subject Students will be guided down this pathway if we believe it is appropriate for them; all students can access this pathway and study for the full EBacc Not just about the full EBacc – these subjects individually are known as the facilitating subjects as they are good subjects that are valued in the world beyond year 11 The Full EBacc has been highly valued by the universities widely regarded as the top universities (Russell Group)

17 Level 2 Threshold Measure “Attainment 8”
Points to consider ... Level 2 Threshold Measure “Attainment 8” Bucket Slot Subject Detail 1 English Compulsory – these double count in a student’s Attainment 8 score 2 Maths 3 EBacc 1 EBacc subjects – GCSEs in Sciences, including Computer Science; Geography/History; MFL 4 EBacc 2 5 EBacc 3 6 Other 1 Approved vocational, further EBacc subjects, other GCSE subjects 7 Other 2 8 Other 3 Attainment 8 = measure of student performance over selection of subjects University, colleges, apprenticeships etc – Attainment 8 score is replacing the current Level 2 threshold measure of 5+ A*-C, incl En & Ma; it is becoming an entry criteria for many jobs/apprenticeships & FE/HE courses … phased over next few years Outwood are well placed to support students with both Attainment 8 and the basics of English and maths All grades 1+ contribute, aiming for best possible grades All GCSEs for current Y8 will be on the new 9-1 scale Double counting of English and maths grades … so actually Attainment 8 score is ‘out of 10’

18 Points to consider ... Option English / Option Maths
Evidence, across all our schools, points to the positive impact of Option English and Maths Year 9 and 10 = Option Maths Year 11 = Option Maths and/or Option English If students are identified for this provision it should be seen as a positive and embraced Life chances ! Good GCSEs in English and Maths will continue to open doors for young people – college courses, apprenticeships, sixth form etc Currently the Option Maths course in Y9/10 includes a GCSE in Statistics which certifies at the end of Year 10

19 Points to consider ... Raised Participation Age:
Children should be in education or training until the end of the academic year when they are 18 For info … Competition at 16 and 18 is strong

20 Insert picture (screen shot if necessary) of choices proforma – highlight the need for the two reserve choices and the consequence of not including two reserve choices. Or demo of web-based process ?? This is one list of subjects – there are no blocks – we will form the blocks once we have choices in and aim to maximise student preferences Only collecting choices for Y8 into 9; pathways for Y10 into 11 will be looked at this time in two years

21 Insert picture (screen shot if necessary) of choices proforma – highlight the need for the two reserve choices and the consequence of not including two reserve choices. Or demo of web-based process ?? This is one list of subjects – there are no blocks – we will form the blocks once we have choices in and aim to maximise student preferences Only collecting choices for Y8 into 9; pathways for Y10 into 11 will be looked at this time in two years

22 Insert picture (screen shot if necessary) of choices proforma – highlight the need for the two reserve choices and the consequence of not including two reserve choices. Or demo of web-based process ?? This is one list of subjects – there are no blocks – we will form the blocks once we have choices in and aim to maximise student preferences Only collecting choices for Y8 into 9; pathways for Y10 into 11 will be looked at this time in two years

23 Who can help? Subject staff at Guided Pathways Evening and over the next few weeks VMG Mentor Older students in a mentor group Learning Manager Parents Friends – but beware of the dark side! Make use of Praising Stars© predictions Apologies for Star Wars reference !

24 To summarise … Three Guided Pathway course choices to start in Year 9 with some to complete in Year10 and some to complete in Year 11; at least one of: history, geography, French, German, Spanish We believe many students will want to study for the Full EBacc For the majority of students, chance to choose at least one further subject in Year 10 and/or 11 Plan course choices for Year 9 – these should be the main Guided Pathway subjects a student wants to study; view Year 11 as a bonus year We are only collecting choices for Year 9 now Main Guided Pathway subjects into Y9 – year 11 is a bonus year

25 Deadline 28 January 2019 Reinforce choices returns deadline

26 Add/change picture if necessary

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