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How to be a buddy at circle view

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Presentation on theme: "How to be a buddy at circle view"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to be a buddy at circle view
The buddy bench How to be a buddy at circle view

2 What is it? A bench for kids who are looking for a buddy
Safe place- no teasing/ be respectful It’s located Use at Lunch and Recess 1/2/3 in front of the MPR 4/5 in the baseball field dugout

3 Who is a buddy? Smiling face Eyes looking Calm voice
Standing in front or near by Kind words “hey do you want to play?” Everyone gets assigned a day to be a buddy

4 I need a buddy I am a buddy
Go sit on the bench Patient/ keep looking for the buddies Say hi Watch the bench Walk to the bench Say Hi and Invite to play

5 Now what? Pick an activity If you still need help, ask a teacher
Don’t fight it out, rock it out Compromise Take turns If you still need help, ask a teacher Now what?

6 NOW let’s see what this looks like

7 Here’s a Song to help you remember:
When you’re feeling blue and got nothin’ to do … When you’re feeling bad and really kind of sad… If someone’s being mean or causing a scene… When you don’t know what to say but you want to play… Recess is coming to an end and you need a friend… When you want to talk or just go for a walk… Go To The BUDDY BENCH, The BUDDY BENCH So take a seat and there’ll be friends to meet!

8 To have a friend, you have to be a friend
Questions? To have a friend, you have to be a friend

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