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Deposit Procedures Cash Department

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1 Deposit Procedures Cash Department
Sarah (Strauch) Gresham – Cash Fax –


3 Deposit Sheet Instructions
Alphabetize checks Deposit Number – Use the next deposit number in sequence Date – Is always the date the deposit will hit the bank (no weekends/holidays) Resident Name – Who the check is for (Not who brought in the check) ID# - Can be obtained through the census program (Must be filled out for every resident) Apply-to Month – The month you want the payment applied to Apply-to Payor Type – Fill in with the following choices Insurance Private VA Hospice Food Rebate Pension Please do not fill in the insurance company name – just put INS Check Amount – Total amount of the check Trust Amount – Amount left in trust account Total Due Facility – this column must match bank receipt!

4 Deposit Sheet Procedures
Make sure you are filling out ALL columns completely. ID # - Must be filled in for each check that applies to a resident to ensure the payment gets posted to the correct resident. VERIFY – the ID number is correct

5 Deposit Sheet Procedures
Apply-to Month – In this column you need to put the month and year that the payment needs to be applied to ensure the payment gets posted to the correct month. Census Program – You can refer to the census program to check the balance and the month you want the payment applied to.

6 Deposit Sheet Procedures
Apply-to Payor Type To accurately fill out this column you only need to fill in the payor type the payment should be applied For example: BC/BS check you would put INS in this column Hospice Payment = Hospice Private = Private VA = VA Food Rebate = Food Rebate Pension = Pension Please do not fill in the name of the insurance company or get over detailed all we need in this column is what payor type this money should pay on.

7 Apply-to payor cont’d When you receive a social security check for a Medicaid resident – in this column you will put PRIVATE. The balance on the aging for this resident is private. You should never have to use Medicaid or Medicare in this column, we receive all those payments at the corporate office.

8 EOB’s ALL EOB’s go to Sarah Strauch-Gresham at unless you have a scanner. If you have a scanner then scan all EOB’s and attach to along with the Resident Deposit Sheet so they can be printed and stapled together.

9 Sending EOB’s When you your resident deposit sheet to Sarah and you are sending EOB’s then you need to include in your the following statement: EOB’s to follow. That way Sarah knows to attach them to the resident deposit sheet. Please fax them relatively close to the time you the deposit sheet so Sarah doesn’t have wait for EOB’s to come.

10 Trust Corrections If a mistake occurred and you need to have money transferred into your trust account then Sarah Gresham to let her know what happened and she will let you know when to expect it in your trust account.

11 Scanned Checks If you have a scanner
Do not mail your scanned checks to me Keep them in a safe place Make sure you hold onto the checks for at least 2 years before you shred them

12 Social Security Day! This deposit must be done on the day you receive your Social Security checks!!

13 Social Security Day! NO EXCUSES – GET IT DONE! There is no acceptable reason for this deposit not getting done! Don’t even try….. “I didn’t have time” “Public Health is in my building” “My BOM is on vacation or is sick today” “I don’t know how to do deposits” “I had too many hours and had to leave early today”

14 Social Security Day! Have TRAINED BACK UP in the facility to ensure the social security deposit gets done if the responsible person is absent!

15 Do not send deposits to A/R! Deposits ONLY go to Sarah Gresham
Please Remember ! DO NOT hold checks! Make deposits daily! Do not send deposits to A/R! Deposits ONLY go to Sarah Gresham

16 NSF Checks or Bad Image Checks
When a check is returned as NSF or because of a bad scanned image you will receive a copy of that from me. If you receive notification that a check has been returned IMMEDIATELY call Sarah and then send her any paperwork you have received. You are responsible for getting that money recouped and redeposited.

17 FAQ’s What do I do if I get cash?
If the resident has a trust account deposit in there and write out a check Take the cash to the bank and get a money order to put through the scanner On the resident deposit sheet – I forgot to give a resident their $30 how do I get that corrected? Sarah and tell her Deposit Number – Deposit Date – Resident Name – Amount needed transferred I will then check the residents account I will then you back and let you know what date to expect the money If it is 3pm and I deposit with a scanner what date do I put on the resident deposit sheet? You will put the current day you are on.

18 FAQ’s What are EOB’s (Explanation of Benefits)?
They come with a check from your insurance company, VA, or hospice company They explain to what resident and what month you are to post the payment Who do I send my deposit to? Sarah Strauch – Fax EOB’s to What do I do if I get a check that will not go through my scanner? If the resident has a trust account deposit in there and write out a check to scan If the resident does not have a trust account: Make a separate deposit sheet with a new number and list the check or checks you will be mailing me Print out Mail to me the deposit sheet, checks and any EOB’s

19 Bank Contact Info Bank of America (Scanner Support) Any problems related to your scanner Call Sarah at corporate for password resets Applies to the following facilities: Ozark Westside Shawnee Rose Tarkio LaHarpe Prairie City Kewanee Care Robings Eastview Havana Bement Arcola Sunset CYE of Canton Riverview Aspen Batavia Benton Bloomington Cisne Countryview of Macomb Decatur Eastside Enfield Fondulac Jonesboro McLeansboro Newman North Aurora Timbercreek Rock Falls Rosiclare Sandwich Shelbyville South Elgin Vandalia Aledo Piper City

20 Bank Contact Info US Bank Any problems related to your scanner and if you need your password reset Applies to the following facilities: Royal Oaks Palm Terrace Sullivan Casey Flora Toulon Watseka Mt Vernon White Oak Twin lakes Swansea Simple Blessings CYE of Sullivan F & M Bank ext Annette Any problems related to your scanner and if you need your password reset Applies to the following facilities: Tuscola Sheldon Collinsville Effingham

21 Bank Contact Info The Private Bank Scanner Support Technical Support # MCC3510 Any problems related to your scanner or to reset a password Applies to the following facilities: CYE Kewanee CYV Kewanee CYE Monmouth CYE Galva Legacy CYE Bradford CYE Bushnell Prairie Rose Farmer City Illini El Paso Cumberland Willow Rose Flora Gardens Charleston Lakewood Rochelle's Lebanon Flanagan Polo Marigold Nokomis Whispering Oaks Roseville Mason Point

22 Bank Contact Info First Merit Any problems related to your scanner or to reset a password Applies to the following facilities: Pleasant View Shangri-La

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