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Implementing Blended Learning in the World Languages classroom

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing Blended Learning in the World Languages classroom"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing Blended Learning in the World Languages classroom

2 Our TUHSD Mission TUHSD is committed to developing the potential of all students, staff, and community.

3 Management Instruction
Every classroom has a greeting before students enter the room Clearly stated rules are posted and followed Specific plans for technology for learning are communicated and followed Every student has a caring adult who connects with them each period Instruction Lesson plans are prepared for each lesson taught with Elements of Instruction in mind Each lesson has the State Standards posted and the learning objective communicated Execution of lesson shows students’ visible authentic engagement in the lesson

4 Our TUHSD Vision: Learning today, leading tomorrow.
Three Interconnected Practices High functioning PLCs that use data and support student achievement Guaranteed viable curriculum, instruction and assessment  Staff and student support and training  Review foundational beliefs with all stake holders – recommended slide Do iT with PRIDE

5 Implementing Blended Learning in the World Languages classroom
Nicole Biscotti Carlos Macias

6 Agenda 1. Why blend your class? Definition & models 2. Blackboard
3. Edgenuity 1. Rotation Station How to enhance blended learning implementation 2. Create a lesson/Post in blackboard Freedom of implementation 3. Survey

7 What Blended Learning is NOT
Scavenger Hunts

8 Blended Learning Horn and Staker define blended learning as: [a] formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through online learning with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace and at least in part at a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home. The modalities along each student’s learning path in a course or subject are connected to provide an integrated learning experience. (Horn and Staker 53)

9 Technology-rich Instruction
Blended Learning Students learn in part through online learning with some control over where, when, and how they work. Devices used to offer personalization. Instruction provides an integrated learning experience. Technology-rich Instruction Students use technology to do the same work at the same place, time, and pace. Devices support traditional instruction. Classrooms may enhance traditional learning experience. Maxwell, Clifford. “What blended learning is – and isn’t.” Blended Learning Universe, 4 Mar. 2016, Accessed 6 Sept (Maxwell 2016)

10 What purposes does blended learning have in the WL classroom?
Technology should be used to support learning objectives, not just for the sake of using technology.



13 What experiences have you had with blended learning? Share at least three experiences 2uhiw71pwn0w

14 History of Blended Learning
How blended learning starts. In the last decades, with the rapid advancement of technology and communication, distance learning education has developed and become more collaborative. The technological advances and the development of faster internet connections and devices have contributed to create interactive learning experiences (Yapici & Akbayin, 2012). Education is currently transitioning from traditional and direct instruction to a disruptive innovation in education.

15 Why blended learning is important in K-12.
The U.S. Department of Education recognizes the necessity to improve K-12 education. It also recognizes the need of promoting hybrid models of blended learning and the 21st Century Skills (Barbour, 2014; Eguchi, 2014). The 21st Century Skills model is an effort by the U.S. Department of Education and other educational entities to close the gap between preparing and updating teachers and students for the 21st century (Barbour, 2014; Eguchi, 2014). U.S Dep of Edu- Az Depart of Edu- TUHSD


17 Teacher in the 21st century

18 Teachers’ roles in Blended Learning

19 Teacher vs. Designer of Learning Experiences









28 Blended learning model


30 What are the benefits of a flipped classroom?
1. Provides an opportunity for students to gain first exposure prior to class. 2. Provides an incentive for students to prepare for class. 3. Provides a mechanism to assess student understanding. 4. Provides in-class activities that focus on higher level cognitive activities.

31 Blended learning model


33 Blended learning model

34 A la Carte

35 Enriched Virtual

36 Enriched Virtual

37 What are the challenges to implementing blended learning?
Go to and use the code

38 Issues about Blended learning implementation
Time Multiple study results show that blended learning is more time consuming than traditional teaching due to the design and components required (Benson, Anderson, Ooms, 2011; Korr et al., 2012).

39 Tolleson Union High School District
You have the freedom to implement BL by using the following school platforms: Blackboard Edgenuity

40 Blackboard

41 Blackboard Skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening, and Culture
Benefits: homework, paperless, participation, master concepts, learn at any time. Prepare students to post-secondary education. Strategies: differentiated instructions, 21st century skills. Testimony: Integrate AP Community Service curriculum. Students are empower to be a leader.

42 Edgenuity

43 Edgenuity Skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening, and Culture.
Blended learning is student-centered learning is basically the combination of two related concepts: personalized learning and capability-based learning also called mastery-based learning, mastery learning, proficiency learning, or values-based learning. Testimony: AP results. Lower achiever

44 Preparing students for blended learning
How can we best prepare students to use technology in the classroom? Please share some of your strategies. PLC in EDGENUITY SHARE


46 Stations We are going to divide this training into stations so that we can all experience stations from the students’ perspective.

47 STATION #1: Scavenger Hunts (Collaborative Practice)
Edgenuity Scavenger Hunt A great way to teach students how to use a new technology. Work with a partner and see how quickly you can find the following: Time yourselves.

48 STATION #2: (Independant Practice)
How to upload your roster in Edgenuity Use you computer. Log in. use the same password that you use in

49 STATION #3: (Technology Station) Teacher options in Edgenuity

50 STATION #3: (Technology Station) Teacher options in Edgenuity
Discuss with a shoulder partner: Do you think that you’ll use customization options? Why or why not?

51 STATION #4: Edgenuity in World Languages (Teacher Led)
Edgenuity can be seen as a digital book, an online resource, NOT our curriculum nor is it the course. Eventually we will be making the switch to Edgenuity as our book, replacing our existing books. Our EOCA’s will come from Edgenuity.

52 Preparing a lesson for your class
We’d like to give you time to prepare a lesson that incorporates blended learning and stations in your classroom. *handouts – sample blended learning lesson plan/ stations lesson plan

53 Planning a lesson Post in BlackBoard
You have the freedom to implement BL Consider your class size, year, and tool ( devices)

54 Exit Ticket from Stations Post it in Edgenuity

55 Please share lessons and discuss with a partner.

56 Thank you for participating today.
questions and comments please.

57 Survey

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