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The symbols of the novel

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1 The symbols of the novel

2 Cleft Lip Hassan’s cleft lip is one of the most important symbols of the novel The scar represents his social class and standing and the poverty he lives in as it shows that his “father” didn’t have enough money to correct this condition This is one of the main differences between Hassan and Amir. Baba shows his love to his hidden biological son by paying for this surgery later for Hassan’s birthday. When Amir gets his lip scar later in the book through an altercation with Assef it is as if he is now in par with Hassan’s personality and values. He learns to stand up for others, just as Hassan had for him before. This also stands as a symbol of Amir’s redemption.

3 The Kite Up until the rape scene the kite was a symbol of Amir’s happiness Kite running is one of the things Amir loves to do, most likely due to the fact that this is the only way he can connect fully with Baba After the scene where Amir allows Hassan to get raped because he wanted to give Baba the blue kite, the kite is a symbol of Amir’s betrayal to Hassan. This is clear from any mention of the kite after this. When Amir finally uses a kite again with Sohrab at the end of the novel the kite is now symbolic of Amir’s childhood memories. The kite is also the only was Amir can connect with Sohrab, mirroring the Baba – Amir relationship at the start of the novel.

4 The Lamb The lamb is a symbol of sacrifice within the novel.
Hassan and Sohrab are both described as looking like lambs that are about to be slaughter. This is done is Islam at a sacrifice to the gods. In this book Hassan has been sacrificed by Amir so that he can use the blue kite to get Baba’s approval and Sohrab has been sacrificed by Assef so that he can use Sohrab for his sick sexual pleasures. The main difference between the sacrificial rapes are that Amir chooses his own needs over Hassan’s at the start of the novel but “redeems” himself by stopping Sohrab from being abused more in the second half of the novel by choosing Sohrabs needs over his.

5 The Slingshot The slingshot is symbolic of loyalty from the user.
The slingshot is seen as a weapon that wards off evil to enforce good. This is evident through Hassan using it to attack Assef when he is trying to hurt the two boys. Hassan threatens to shoot the slingshot at Assef’s left eye which is traditionally the side that represents evil, thus enforcing this symbol of warding off evil. This symbol comes back again later when Sohrab threatens Assef with the weapon when he is in the middle of beating up Amir. This allows them to run away which again shows that good has trumped evil

6 The Pomegranate Tree The pomegranate tree symbolises the relationship and the bond between Hassan and Amir. At the start of the novel the tree is described as very full and blossoming and so too is the boys relationship After the rape scene when Amir and Hasan sit at the tree, Amir throws the fruit at Hassan to try and provoke him. This breaking of the tree helps to convey the start of the relationship breakdown between the two. When Amir returns years later he finds that, much like himself, the tree is actual still there, it just isn’t producing fruit and is wilting. This show the completed breakdown of the boys’ bond.

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