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Mrs. Brown’s Weekly Newsletter Week of September 4, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Brown’s Weekly Newsletter Week of September 4, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Brown’s Weekly Newsletter Week of September 4, 2017
What We’re Learning Reading: Me On A Map Writing: punctuation, singular/plural nouns asking/telling sentences Word Work: -ll –ss- -ff Math: tally marks, addition strategies, number lines, skip counting in patterns Social Studies: Geography Unit Important Dates Sept. 14th- Fall pictures Oct. 5th- Early Release/Conferences Oct. 6th-10th Fall Break Specials Schedule Monday: Computer Lab Tuesday: Art Wednesday: PE wear gym shoes Thursday: Music Friday: PE wear gym shoes Word Study Every two weeks we will focus on a sound pattern. I will give five examples on the newsletter each week. Each Friday we will have a word study quiz where students will be given ten words with the pattern. Along with these words students will be asked to spell three sight words that we have practiced. They will also be asked to dictate two sentences. Sight words: you your I they Word Study: words that end with ss,ff,ll, zz (shell, miss, puff, buzz) Quizzes will be graded by a rubric and will be recorded as a daily grade.

2 Ice Cream Transportation Class Dojo
Ice cream is sold every Wednesday for $1. Please send money in the pouch in the red folder. Transportation Please make sure that we know how your child will go home. Any changes need to be called in before 12:00 or send a note in the red folder. Class Dojo If you haven’t signed up already, please see your paperwork that was sent home with your child’s code. If you need another one send me a message and I will be happy to send another. Communication is very important! Breakfast is not free this year. Car riders must be at school by 8:00 to eat breakfast. Please sign and return this section of the newsletter. Your child will be entered in a drawing for a prize. _______________________________ Student Name Parent Signature Mrs. Brown’s First Grade Class PBIS Expectations Be Ready Be Responsible Be Respectful Students must earn at least 50 positive points and no more than 14 negative points in order to attend the acknowledgement party on Sept.1st.

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