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IV. State and Local Governments

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1 IV. State and Local Governments
A. State Constitutions 1. The Constitution divides power between the federal government and the states. 2. Each of the 50 states has a constitution that sets forth the principles and framework of its government. a) They must all conform to the U.S. Constitution. 3. Most state constitutions resemble the U.S. Constitution. a) Preamble, bill of rights, etc.

2 IV. State and Local Governments
b) State constitutions tend to be lengthier. 4. State constitutions set up a government with three branches. 5. State constitutions can be changed in several ways. a) Amendments are proposed by state legislatures and approved by the people in elections. b) In a process known as the constitutional initiative, sponsors of an amendment gather signatures on a petition. c) When the required number of signatures is attained it is sent to the legislature or to the voters for approval. d) Finally, a state can rewrite its constitution.

3 IV. State and Local Governments
B. States Provide Services 1. State governments provide a wide range of services. a) Law and order, enforce criminal law, protect property, regulate business, provide education, etc., etc. etc. 2. The states, NOT the federal government, have the main responsibility for public education in the U.S. a) The states set standards.

4 IV. State and Local Governments
3. Each state must build and maintain its own infrastructure, or system of roads, bridges, and tunnels. a) State departments or agencies manage more than 3,000 state parks and recreation areas. b) States license people who serve you like doctors, lawyers, and ME!!!  c) States set minimum age requirements for driving. C. Local Governments 1. The Constitution does not mention local governments.

5 IV. State and Local Governments
2. Local governments have perhaps the greatest impact on our daily lives. 3. The service that local governments spend the most money on is education. a) Cities or school districts run the schools. b) All schools must follow state law. 4. Education is one area of local government in which citizens exert a great deal of control. a) In most communities, voters have the right to approve or turn down the annual school budget.

6 IV. State and Local Governments
5. Local governments provide a variety of other services. a) fire fighters, police, garbage removal, etc. 6. Over the years, Americans have looked to local government for more than basic services.

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