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Presentation on theme: "COMPARATIVE STUDY."— Presentation transcript:


2 UNITED KINGDOM Britain has no such document to be named as constitution There are scattered number of charters and petitions e.g. Great Charter-1215, petition of rights-1628, parliament act 1911.

3 UNITED KINGDOM The Crown: Hereditary institution
Power: appoints and removes officer, summons parliament, fountain of justice, appoints the bishops, fountain of honour.

4 UNITED KINGDOM The cabinet: royal advisors, cabinet is real head, link between legislature and executive, steering wheel of the ship, different from Privy council and the ministry.

5 UNITED KINGDOM House of Lords: Hereditary peers, peers from Scotland,
Examination and revision of bills Full and free discussion Just over 900 members

6 UNITED KINGDOM House of commons: lower house, elected body, 635 members, elected for 5 years Powers: Legislative, control of the executive, control of finance, ventilation of grievances,

7 UNITED KINGDOM Judicial system: County courts, the high Courts, the court of appeal and the house of lords. Judges appointed by the crown

8 U.S.A Union of 50 states Division of powers

9 U.S.A President is the head of the executive Power: Executive
Legislature Parliament: Congress- Senate and house of representatives

10 U.S.A Senate: equal power to house of representative, most powerful upper house, House of Representatives: 436 members, elected for 2 years, one member for every 30 thousand, law making and financial control,

11 U.S.A Judicial system: State courts and federal courts.
Supreme court, 11 circuit courts of appeal, 84 district courts, a court of claims and a court of customs.


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