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Indian Act Social Studies 9.

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1 Indian Act Social Studies 9

2 Collective Rights Collective rights belong to groups of people and are a part of Canada’s constitution Aboriginals, Anglophones, and Francophones hold collective rights Collective rights recognize the founding peoples of Canada

3 Numbered Treaties The Numbered Treaties are historic agreements that affect the rights and identity of some First Nations in Canada The Royal Proclamation recognized First Nations’ rights to land, and established the principle of making treaties through peaceful negotiation First Nations wanted to share their lands and resources in peace Numbered Treaties to the First Nations are sacred and define them from past to future In the USA Natives and Americans fought violently (Little Big Horn)

4 Numbered Treaties Treaties were negotiated for many reasons
Canada wanted to link from east to west… BC would not join confederation without the CPR Avoid War First Nations wanted to secure their future (small pox, social disorder, eradication of the buffalo) The Royal Proclamation

5 Numbered Treaties First Nations agreed to share their lands and resources in peace Canada’s government agreed to terms covering First Nations’ education, reserves, and money The terms differ from Treaty to Treaty


7 Numbered Treaties For First Nations, the Numbered Treaties are sacred, nation to nation agreements, and cannot be changed without their permission Not all First Nations people signed Treaties

8 Indian Act Created in 1876 The act allows the federal government to develop specific policies to administer Treaty rights to First Nations The act created “Indian Agents” who made individual decisions

9 Indian Act The act defines who is a “status Indian” with Treaty rights
The act originally aimed to assimilate First Nations peoples The act defined how to conduct affairs It restricted their rights The act remains in force today

10 Indian Act Amendments In 1985, parliament attempted to bring the act in alignment with the Charter Three principles: Removal of discrimination Restoring status and membership rights Increasing control of own affairs

11 Indian Act Amendments Latest attempt was in 2002, but First Nations rejected the attempt Read the article on pg. 138 and complete the spot and respond on the same page

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