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The Speech We Have All Been Anxiously Waiting For.

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Presentation on theme: "The Speech We Have All Been Anxiously Waiting For."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Speech We Have All Been Anxiously Waiting For

2 Thoughts on Public Speaking
- How many of you like speaking in front of people and being the center of attention? - Why is speaking in front of your peers difficult for most people? - In general, what are some qualities that make a good speech?

3 An Informative Speech - What is an informative speech? - Sharing new and insightful information with your audience…you are informing them - What is your GOAL in an informative speech? - To inform your audience of something they might not already know

4 Language 1. Words that work (no fillers) - What’s a filler? Like, um, okay, yeah, so, ya know 2. Colorful language - Be descriptive and have good word choice - Stay away from dude, whatever, stuff, things, good, fun…a speech is not much different than an essay 3. Correct grammar - Big no-no’s: gonna, wanna, aint, got no…if you talk like that I think I’ll throw up all over my desk

5 Delivery 1. Eye contact - Yes or no? 2. Enunciation and Pronunciation - Enunciation = Speaking clearly - Pronunciation = Pronouncing the words correctly 3. Variation in voice - Volume - Rate…speak at a good pace - Inflection…don’t be monotone 4. Non-verbals - Facial expressions…be appropriate to your subject - Gestures…too many is distracting - Body movement…you’re giving a speech, not a dance performance - Stage presence…be confident

6 Informative Speech Outline
- News flash….. Writing a speech is very similar to writing an essay - Main parts of a speech 1. Intro – Includes a hook Presents topic and tell audience the major points (just like a thesis) 2. Body – Includes the main points in your speech (just like the body paragraphs in an essay) 3. Conclusion – Summarize the main points and pick a couple points to have a lasting impact on your audience (just like the conclusion) in an essay)

7 Note Cards - Not optional; they are a requirement - Why would I require you to have note cards? - Forces you to prepare, as opposed to winging it - Good note taking practice…helps you to clearly organize your thoughts

8 Note Cards - How many? - At least 9 #1 Your introduction #2 Dorm Life…all bullets #3 Admission Requirements…all bullets #4 Athletics and Clubs…all bullets #5 History of School/General Facts…all bullets #6 Programs of Study…majors…all bullets #7 Fraternities and Sororities…all bullets #8 Location (what’s attractive)…all bullets #9 Your conclusion

9 Introduction I Hook- “Preparing leaders to transform society.” That is the mission statement of Concordia University in Portland, OR - Introduce the college you have done - Explain why you chose to do this college

10 Point #1- Residence Life R
- Requirement for all fresh. and soph. - Good idea…gets u involved w/ campus life - Living arrangements 2 traditional halls (Elizabeth and Neils)…bed, dresser, desk, shared bathroom 2 luxury halls (East and Holman)…spacious, bathroom in room, quieter Multiple ways to get involved on campus - Intramurals, student government, Christian life ministries, student activities

11 Visual Aid - NEED TO HAVE ONE; this is not optional
- Different types of visual aids include: 1. Poster you create 2. PowerPoint 3. Pictures 4. Chart 5. Audio aid (music) 6. Anything else you believe will enhance your presentation

12 jiResidence Hall Life All freshmen and sophomores are required to live on campus. This is a really good idea because it allows freshmen and sophomores to get as involved as possible. There are a variety of different living arrangements to choose from at Concordia. You could live in a traditional dorm (Elizabeth Hall or Neils Hall). These halls are older and you will have one roommate. Each person has a bed, a dresser, and a desk. Also, everyone on that floor shares a bathroom and shower. There are about five stalls and five showers on each floor. - The other type of living arrangement is luxury living (East Hall and Holman Apartments). In East Hall you can live in a three person room or a two person room. These rooms are very spacious and each room has a bathroom in it. There are a lot of ways to get involved on campus. You could be involved with student government, student activities, Christian life ministries, and many others

13 Dorm LIfe - Who is required to live on campus? - Freshmen and sophomores - Different Living Arrangements - Traditional - Luxury - Lots of ways to get involved on campus

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