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BSPH 221 Lecture Twelve: Practical Two – Design a HP Program Based on The Empowerment Approach Dr. J. I. Sitali.

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Presentation on theme: "BSPH 221 Lecture Twelve: Practical Two – Design a HP Program Based on The Empowerment Approach Dr. J. I. Sitali."— Presentation transcript:

1 BSPH 221 Lecture Twelve: Practical Two – Design a HP Program Based on The Empowerment Approach
Dr. J. I. Sitali

2 Lecture Outline Define problem. Aim of the program. Methods.
Program evaluation.

3 Define problem Cleary define the problem and make sure program goals are “SMART”! S = Specific. M = Measurable. A = Attainable. R = Relevant. T = Timed.

4 Aim of the program What is it we want to achieve?

5 Methods How do we go about setting up our program:
Formal participation in decision-making. Community action. Facilitating processes which equip. Professional and community interface. Strategic support.

6 Program evaluation How do we measure success?

7 Implementation What time frame? What do we need?

8 The end!

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