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Welcome to The following slide show is presented (before and after service) to invite you to our upcoming Church activities!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to The following slide show is presented (before and after service) to invite you to our upcoming Church activities!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to The following slide show is presented (before and after service) to invite you to our upcoming Church activities!

2 Please silence Your cell phones
Thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness!

Charge Conference, Sunday, November 24 Our Charge Conference will be held Sunday, November 24 in Wesley Hall. We will begin after worship service with a potluck finger food lunch at 11 am and presentation by the Pathway to Renewal Team. (Please bring any potluck finger food contributions to Wesley Hall before worship begins.) The Charge Conference will begin at 12:15 when the meeting facilitator, Pastor David Park of St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church, arrives. Hanging of the Greens, Sanctuary, Saturday, November 30, 10 am – 12 noon Volunteers are welcome to help the Worship Ministry adorn our Sanctuary with greens, chrismons, advent candles, and other symbols of the season on Saturday, November 30 at 10 am. See Worship Chair Margo Williams with any questions. Street Closings on Sunday, December 8 The California International Marathon will run on Sunday, December 8, 2013, causing some intersections near the church to be closed. The race starts at 7 am near Folsom Dam and travels Oak Avenue, Fair Oaks Boulevard, and J Street to the Capitol. Intersections will be closed only while the race comes through, but be prepared, if necessary, to leave home early and avoid the race course on your way to church. Got Socks? Sock Drive 2013 has Begun! Please bring new or clean used socks for distribution to the homeless in our area. There is a decorated box in the Narthex for collecting socks. See Ruby or Wayde for details. United Methodist Church of Rancho Cordova Thanksgiving Service UMC of Rancho Cordova will hold a Thanksgiving Service of Praise and Gratitude on Thursday, November 28, 10 – 10:45 am at 2101 Zinfandel Drive. Call with any questions. Finance Ministry Numbers Sept Fiscal YTD November 2, 2013 Income $13,958 $38,312 Apple Hill Fundraiser Expenses $21,206 $50,039 $107 raised! Net ($7,248) ($11,727) Charge Conference, Sunday, November 24 Our Charge Conference will be held Sunday, November 24 in Wesley Hall. We will begin after worship service with a potluck finger food lunch at 11 am and presentation by the Pathway to Renewal Team. (Please bring any potluck finger food contributions to Wesley Hall before worship begins.) The Charge Conference will begin at 12:15 when the meeting facilitator, Pastor David Park of St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church, arrives. Hanging of the Greens, Sanctuary, Saturday, November 30, 10 am – 12 noon Volunteers are welcome to help the Worship Ministry adorn our Sanctuary with greens, chrismons, advent candles, and other symbols of the season on Saturday, November 30 at 10 am. See Worship Chair Margo Williams with any questions. Street Closings on Sunday, December 8 The California International Marathon will run on Sunday, December 8, 2013, causing some intersections near the church to be closed. The race starts at 7 am near Folsom Dam and travels Oak Avenue, Fair Oaks Boulevard, and J Street to the Capitol. Intersections will be closed only while the race comes through, but be prepared, if necessary, to leave home early and avoid the race course on your way to church. Got Socks? Sock Drive 2013 has Begun! Please bring new or clean used socks for distribution to the homeless in our area. There is a decorated box in the Narthex for collecting socks. See Ruby or Wayde for details. United Methodist Church of Rancho Cordova Thanksgiving Service UMC of Rancho Cordova will hold a Thanksgiving Service of Praise and Gratitude on Thursday, November 28, 10 – 10:45 am at 2101 Zinfandel Drive. Call with any questions. Finance Ministry Numbers Sept Fiscal YTD November 2, 2013 Income $13,958 $38,312 Apple Hill Fundraiser Expenses $21,206 $50,039 $107 raised! Net ($7,248) ($11,727) Announcements & Reminders Announcements & Reminders BBQ & PIE AUCTION RED WHITE & BLUE BBQ and PIE AUCTION! Saturday, July 7, 5 pm Contact: Mary Ellen Milne, Ruby and Paris Wicker A LOOK AT WHAT’S AHEAD AT FAIR OAKS UMC All activities are open unless otherwise noted – you are always invited to drop in. A LOOK AT WHAT’S AHEAD AT FAIR OAKS UMC All activities are open unless otherwise noted – you are always invited to drop in. Schedule for the week of November 17, 2013 SUNDAY – NOVEMBER 17th (drop off cakes) BIBLE STUDY – LIBRARY, 9 AM WORSHIP & LEGACY SUNDAY – SANCTUARY, 9:45 AM TONGAN LANGUAGE WORSHIP – SANCTUARY, 4 PM MONDAY – NOVEMBER 18th BOOK CLUB – LIBRARY, 12 NOON TUESDAY – NOVEMBER 19th FINANCE MINISTRY – SPENCER, 6:15 PM WEDNESDAY – NOVEMBER 20th LIFE’S CHALLENGES SUPPORT GROUP – LIBRARY, 6 PM THURSDAY – NOVEMBER 21st CENTERING PRAYER – LIBRARY, 11 AM LITTLE METHODIST SCHOOL THANKSGIVING PROGRAM – SANCTUARY, 6:30 PM PATHWAY TO RENEWAL TEAM MEETING – SPENCER, 6:30 PM STUDENTS WORSHIPPING AN AWESOME GOD – TEEN ROOM, 7PM CHANCEL CHOIR REHEARSAL – WESLEY HALL, 7:30 PM SATURDAY – NOVEMBER 23rd TONGAN CHOIR REHEARSAL – SANCTUARY, 7 PM SUNDAY – NOVEMBER 24th WORSHIP – SANCTUARY, 10 AM PATHWAY TO RENEWAL PRESENTATION & POTLUCK LUNCH – WESLEY HALL, 11 AM CHARGE CONFERENCE – WESLEY HALL, 12:15 PM Schedule for the week of November 17, 2013 SUNDAY – NOVEMBER 17th (drop off cakes) BIBLE STUDY – LIBRARY, 9 AM WORSHIP & LEGACY SUNDAY – SANCTUARY, 9:45 AM TONGAN LANGUAGE WORSHIP – SANCTUARY, 4 PM MONDAY – NOVEMBER 18th BOOK CLUB – LIBRARY, 12 NOON TUESDAY – NOVEMBER 19th FINANCE MINISTRY – SPENCER, 6:15 PM WEDNESDAY – NOVEMBER 20th LIFE’S CHALLENGES SUPPORT GROUP – LIBRARY, 6 PM THURSDAY – NOVEMBER 21st CENTERING PRAYER – LIBRARY, 11 AM LITTLE METHODIST SCHOOL THANKSGIVING PROGRAM – SANCTUARY, 6:30 PM PATHWAY TO RENEWAL TEAM MEETING – SPENCER, 6:30 PM STUDENTS WORSHIPPING AN AWESOME GOD – TEEN ROOM, 7PM CHANCEL CHOIR REHEARSAL – WESLEY HALL, 7:30 PM SATURDAY – NOVEMBER 23rd TONGAN CHOIR REHEARSAL – SANCTUARY, 7 PM SUNDAY – NOVEMBER 24th WORSHIP – SANCTUARY, 10 AM PATHWAY TO RENEWAL PRESENTATION & POTLUCK LUNCH – WESLEY HALL, 11 AM CHARGE CONFERENCE – WESLEY HALL, 12:15 PM Next Sunday… Potluck Lunch, Pathway to Renewal Presentation, Charge Conference Next Sunday… Potluck Lunch, Pathway to Renewal Presentation, Charge Conference 3

4 first Sunday will be July 1.
Transition Pastor Jeong’s last Sunday will be May 17. Pastor Kim’s first Sunday will be July 1. 4

5 Contact: Pastor Jeong or Youngjae
Transition Needed: Moving Boxes Packing Paper Bubble Wrap Contact: Pastor Jeong or Youngjae 5

6 Music Ministry Special Music Sign up for this Summer!
Contact: Eliseo Paniagua, Music Director 6

7 Sydney Moore, Eliseo Paniagua
Young Adults Young Adult Meeting Wednesday, June 13, 7pm Potter 1&2 All year olds welcome! Contacts: Sydney Moore, Eliseo Paniagua 7

8 Hours will vary. Please call ahead.
Church Office Monday – Friday 9 am – 1 pm Closed June 11 and 18. Fridays in June: Hours will vary. Please call ahead. 8

9 Join the Yahoo Email Group!
Stay Informed Don’t Miss Out! Join the Yahoo Group! Contact: Church Office 9

10 Life’s Challenges Support Group
For Men and Women 1st and 3rd Mondays June 4 and 18 6:00 pm, Library Contact: Loretta Dodge Sponsored by Caring Ministry 10

11 1st Sunday of every month
Outreach Ministry Food Drive Sunday: 1st Sunday of every month 11

12 Outreach Ministry Tarps and Seasonal Support for the Homeless
Contact: Ruby and Wayde Wicker Tarps and monetary donations gratefully accepted. 12

13 Supply list coming soon… Contact: Karlene Brown
Outreach Ministry Supply list coming soon… 1st Sunday of each month Contact: Karlene Brown 13

14 Little Methodist School
Fall 2018 Registration Now Open Classes begin August 20. Contact: Sue Jas, Director

15 Home Study Guides located on Narthex Bulletin Board
Adult Education Sunday Mornings at 9 am Church Library Home Study Guides located on Narthex Bulletin Board Contact: Loren Guffey 15

16 Contact: Virginia Guffey
Heifer International Heifer sharing table for produce, books, and more information located in the Narthex. Contact: Virginia Guffey

17 Communion for the Homebound Contact: Church Office
1st Sunday of every month Contact: Church Office 17

18 UMC of Rancho Cordova Vacation Bible School
UMC...Sunrise Circuit UMC of Rancho Cordova Vacation Bible School June 25 – 28 Volunteers needed! Flyers on Hall Bulletin Board 18

19 UMC... CA-NV Annual Conference
June Modesto, CA 19

20 UMC... CA-NV Annual Conference
United Methodist Women Breakfast at Annual Conference Sat., June 23, 7 am Flyers on Hall Bulletin Board 20

21 Flyers on Hall Bulletin Board
UMC...Sunrise Circuit St. Mark’s UMC Moon Lecture Series Begins September 14 Flyers on Hall Bulletin Board 21

22 Ministry Meetings SUNDAY (Today): Worship Ministry, Spencer, 11:15 am TUESDAY: Caring Ministry, Spencer, 3:00 pm NEXT SUNDAY: PPRC, Pastor’s Study, 11:15 am 22

23 Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events…
Looking Ahead Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events… Fridays in June The Church Office will be open in the afternoon instead of the morning. Please call ahead for hours. 06/11 Church office closed. 06/17 Pastor Jeong’s last Sunday in the pulpit 06/18 Church office closed. 06/20-06/23 CA-NV Annual Conference, Modesto, CA 06/24-06/30 Pastor Jeong and family move to Los Altos UMC 23

24 Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events…
Looking Ahead Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events… 06/25-06/28 Vacation Bible School, UMC of RC 07/01 Pastor Kim’s 1st Sunday! 07/04 Independence Day. Church office closed. 07/07 Red White Blue BBQ and Pie Auction 07/09 Church office closed. 09/03 Labor Day. Church office closed. 09/06 Chancel Choir rehearsals resume 09/09 Chancel Choir returns to Sunday services 09/15 Fair Oaks Chicken Festival in the Village 11/04 All Saints Sunday 11/22 Thanksgiving Day. Church office closed. 12/02 1st Sunday of Advent 12/24 Christmas Eve service 12/25 Christmas Day. Church office closed. 12/31 Tongan Ministry Watch Night service 24

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