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Settling the Southern Colonies

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1 Settling the Southern Colonies
C & E

2 Jamestown Joint-stock company Obtain charter from king
Allowed several investors to pool their $$$ in support for a colony in hopes of profit Obtain charter from king Prior settlement Sir Walter Raleigh “Lost Roanoke Island, NC Croatoan only clue

3 Jamestown Virginia Company Joint-stock company Sent expedition to VA
Landed on peninsula in James River Called settlement Jamestown 100 settlers Prob’s Wrong type of settlers location

4 Jamestown Second Year John Smith seized control
Alliance w/ Pocohantas & Powhatan Introduction of “brown gold” – tobacco John Rolfe Cash crop Needed workers for the tobacco fields Indentured servants Dutch ship brought Africans – 1st treated as indentured servants Later perpetual servitude

5 Jamestown Government 1619 – est. House of Burgesses 1st representative body in New World Colonist desire for land led to clashes w/ Native Americans Became a royal colony

6 Jamestown Hostilities
Nathaniel Bacon – planter in western VA Raised army to fight Natives No gov’t support Marched on Jamestown Showed the growing power of the colony’s former indentured servants & small landowners

7 Carolinas Est by 7 proprietors to grow tobacco & cash crops
Eventually split to govern

8 Maryland Land grant to George Calvert – Lord Baltimore
Founded a colony as a haven for Catholics Maryland Toleration Act 1st document to guarantee religious freedom to all (Christians) Agricultural based economy

9 Georgia Founded by James Oglethorpe
Buffer btwn Carolinas & Spanish Florida Inmates from debtors prisons Last colony to be settled Agricultural economy

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