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Promoting Partnerships for Enhancing Agricultural Research in Africa: the role of FARA Boipelo Freude.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting Partnerships for Enhancing Agricultural Research in Africa: the role of FARA Boipelo Freude."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting Partnerships for Enhancing Agricultural Research in Africa: the role of FARA
Boipelo Freude

2 AARINENA: North African countries
FARA - a creation of the SROs - recognized technical arm of the African Union and NEPAD AARINENA: North African countries three functions Advocacy for agricultural research Promoting partnerships to build critical mass and share intellectual and physical assets. Sharing and dissemination of information & learning ASARECA CORAF SADC/FANR

3 Institutional partnerships
RECs National governments AU/NEPAD FARA NARIs Universities Civil societies Farmers’ org NGOs Private sector NARS Policy makers GFAR SRO CGIAR ARIs Other IARCs Development partners

4 African initiative 4 CAADP Pillars
New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program (CAADP) 4 CAADP Pillars Pillar 1 land & water mgt Pillar 3 Increasing food supply & reducing hunger Pillar 4 Agricultural research, technology dissemination & adoption Pillar 2 Rural infrastructure & trade-related capacities for market access Let us replace this with the slide by Myra

5 agricultural productivity 6% growth rate in agriculture
FAAP: The framework for African agricultural productivity was endorsed by the 7th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government calling on African member states and RECs to realign agricultural productivity programs to FAAP agricultural productivity 4% growth rate in Prioritize activities with highest potential to impact productivity: 6% growth rate in agriculture CAADP Capacity weakness Insufficient end-user involvement Ineffective farmer support systems Systematic fragmentation among innovation systems elements Fragmented external support Inadequate investment in ARD

6 FAAP at three levels Regional Largely cross-sectoral
foster efficiency, sustainability and competition Reduce transaction costs Regional Value addition of trans-boundary collaboration Permits economies of scale North Africa West Africa Southern Africa East Africa Programs and projects aligned to national priorities; Activities with no value-addition for trans-boundary collaboration Draw upon the knowledge, and information sharing, &technologies at sub-regional, regional and global levels Country specific Country specific Country specific Country specific

7 The Framework for African Agricultural Productivity (FAAP)
Identified needs African Development Framework Agricultural innovations systems approach Capacity to build capacity Outscale and upscale products Improve information and learning exchange Develop policies on new technologies Advocacy Promoting partnership Enhancing exchange of information and learning FARA’s core business SSA CP SCARDA-BASIC DONATA RAILS ABBI FARA-led regional initiatives

8 Conclusion Process of interaction and learning are crucial for ARD sustainability and effectiveness Mutual confidence, sharing and accountability of all partners is crucial for ensuring sustainable partnerships

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