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Design Cycle Mind Mapping IB Learner Profile Challenge

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1 Design Cycle Mind Mapping IB Learner Profile Challenge
T.G.I.F!  Bell Work 1. Staple your Criterion D: Create Cornell Note-Taking rubric to your notes. 2. Place your evidence and any old practice work in the homework basket before the bell rings. Agenda Design Cycle Mind Mapping IB LP Reflection #2 IB Learner Profile Challenge

2 Task: Evaluate Wile E. Coyote’s use of the Design Cycle!
View the following video while referring to your ‘Standards Based Grading in Intro. to IB’ document. Jot down examples from the video for each part of the process.

3 MIND MAPPING For each of the criteria, brainstorm and list as many examples of tasks as you can from… Round One: …our practice and evidence activities from the last five weeks in our Intro. to IB course. Round Two: …our practice and evidence activities in our seven other content areas. Round Three: …from our personal lives outside of the school environment.

4 ThE Design Cycle Really is a process of common sense…
…but two things make it a lot easier: Strive for a BALANCED process. Make your internal thoughts EXTERNAL.

5 IB LP Reflection #2 Which part(s) of the Design Cycle do you excel at? Why do you think so? Which part(s) of the Design Cycle are you unbalanced (i.e. you think you spend too much time on or not enough time on as you go through the process)? How do you know?

6 Design Cycle Practice Challenge: Problem:
How do we create a skit to effectively demonstrate one of the IB Learner Profile traits in action? Design Brief: Questions to investigate: What type of scenario should we use (i.e the plot)? Where will the setting be? What props could we use? What should we say? How will we show the trait in a believable situation we would face as a teenager? (ETC…) Design Specifications: The solution must: be a skit that is performed, involve all teammates equally, focus on one particular IB LP trait in a positive manner, be authentic – use language & situations that are relatable to peers, be no shorter than two minutes and no longer than three minutes in length involve props, be engaging & interesting to watch, be created within the time limit.

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