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Challenge. Challenge Debrief Conclusions The Why.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenge. Challenge Debrief Conclusions The Why."— Presentation transcript:


2 Challenge

3 Debrief

4 Conclusions

5 The Why

6 Objectives

7 Erin Huber

8 Who am I?

9 Emily Boycott

10 This is Emily


12 Barriers to Inclusion

13 Barriers to Inclusion

14 Think about it!

15 An Inclusive Framework

16 An Inclusive Role

17 Investing in Volunteers

18 Culture of Accessibility

19 Reasonable Accommodations

20 A Simple Word

21 Accommodations

22 Think about it!

23 Inclusive Supportive Volunteer Framework

24 Think about it!

25 See the Value

26 Collaboration

27 Positive Effects

28 Interview with Emily

29 Questions for Debbie

30 Practical Application

31 Think about it!

32 Case Study 1

33 Case Study 2

34 Case Study 3

35 Case Study 4

36 Resources

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