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Physionomical Forms of the Mouth

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Presentation on theme: "Physionomical Forms of the Mouth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physionomical Forms of the Mouth

2 Parts of the Mouth Mucous Membranes Medial Lobe
Line of Closure (hunting bow) Weather Line Integumentary Lips: superior and inferior

3 Natural Facial Markings Associated With the Mouth
Philtrum Nasolabial Fold Nasal Sulcus Angulus Oris Eminence Angulus Oris Sulcus Labiomental Sulcus Submental Sulcus Dimples

4 There is only one other natural facial marking: the oblique palpebral sulcus, which will be studied with the eye.

5 Prognathism Maxillary Mandibular Alveolar Dental (Buck Teeth)

6 Mouth and Lip Restorations
Expression changes after embalming: 1) resetting the jaws and lips 2) tissue building 3) elevation of the angulus oris eminence beside the wing of the nose 4) cosmetizing

7 Dental Prognathism 1) Lip Cream: massage cream/petroleum jelly
2) Wet Cotton Slings 3) Cleaning the Teeth 4) Cementing Lips 5) Pledget of Cotton Behind the Receding Lip 6) Mouth Former with Grated Surface 7) Waxing

8 Support for Lips When Part of All of the Teeth are Missing
1) filler 2) cotton 3) mouth former

9 Dehydrated Lips 1) application of cream 2) cementing (adhesive)
3) hypodermic tissue building 4) lip wax

10 Cementing Lips Swollen Lips 1) electric spatula 2) aspiration
3) external pressure

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