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Meeting of the WFD CIS Working Group on Ecological Status (ECOSTAT)

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1 Meeting of the WFD CIS Working Group on Ecological Status (ECOSTAT)
Environmental Quality Standards for “River-basin specific pollutants” in Surface Waters Update & development analysis of a European-wide Comparison Ulrich Claussen, Felix Rau, Jens Arle, Volker Mohaupt, Ulrich Irmer Madrid, 31st March - 1st April 2014

2 MSFD CIS Process – 2012 Reports by MS
Environmental Quality Standards “River-basin specific pollutants” in Surface Waters - Update and development analysis of a Europe-wide Comparison MSFD CIS Process – 2012 Reports by MS The overall goal is achieving GES for marine waters until 2020 Important legislative pieces or guidance documents are MSFD including Annexes COM Decision on methodological standards for the definition of GES from 2010 Common Understanding (CU) on Art. 8, 9 & 10 2012 – delivery of MS reports on Initial assessment of status of marine waters (incl. coastal waters) (Art 8) Determination of GES for marine waters (Art 9) Determination of Environmental Targets to achieve or to progress towards GES (Art 10) WFD results have been used for 2012 reports to a certain extent Meeting of the WFD CIS Working Group on Ecological Status (ECOSTAT), Madrid, 31 March - 1 April 2014

3 MSFD – EU COM Art. 12 Assessment
Environmental Quality Standards “River-basin specific pollutants” in Surface Waters - Update and development analysis of a Europe-wide Comparison MSFD – EU COM Art. 12 Assessment EU COM assisted by JRC & Milieu undertook an analysis of MS reports The Art. 12 assessment inter alia identified deficits in GES boundary determination insufficient coordination & coherence insufficient consideration of WFD methods / results and those developed / agreed by regional conventions (OSPAR, HELCOM, BARCELONA, BUCHAREST) The EU COM proposes a solution package consisting of Review/revision of COM DEC from 2010 to achieve more clarity and focus on quantified elements Review/revision of Annex III MSFD on hydromorphological, chemical and biological characteristics as well as on pressures/impacts Review/revision of CU on Art. 8, 9 & 10 Meeting of the WFD CIS Working Group on Ecological Status (ECOSTAT), Madrid, 31 March - 1 April 2014

4 Current MSFD Activities
Environmental Quality Standards “River-basin specific pollutants” in Surface Waters - Update and development analysis of a Europe-wide Comparison Current MSFD Activities Currently MS have to elaborate on MSFD monitoring programmes to be reported in 2014 development/implementation of MSFD POM until 2015/2016 to progress towards or maintain GES. For both activities comprehensive guidance documents are available or under development (CIS process) Additional activities are EU COM initiated a project on scales and rules for aggregation (comparable to respective elements of ECOSTAT guidance, OO – AO). Final report announced for 04/2014 For new fields such as noise and litter specific TG have been installed Meeting of the WFD CIS Working Group on Ecological Status (ECOSTAT), Madrid, 31 March - 1 April 2014

5 Marine Litter Important development on litter in the seas
Environmental Quality Standards “River-basin specific pollutants” in Surface Waters - Update and development analysis of a Europe-wide Comparison Marine Litter Important development on litter in the seas In April 2013, an international conference took place in Berlin organised by COM & DE. Main results are inter alia development of regional action plans for the four marine ecoregions (NEA, Baltic Sea, MED Sea & Black Sea) to combat marine litter and increase coherence and coordination within / between these ecoregions identification of sources and pathways of litter input to seas Meeting of the WFD CIS Working Group on Ecological Status (ECOSTAT), Madrid, 31 March - 1 April 2014

6 Environmental Quality Standards “River-basin specific pollutants” in Surface Waters - Update and development analysis of a Europe-wide Comparison Monitoring of Litter Monitoring on Litter to be implemented under the MSFD Riverine input of litter can be a significant pathway beside direct inputs to the seas (such as shipping, fisheries and tourism). Consequently, monitoring of litter input to the seas via rivers might deliver necessary information. If rivers constitute a significant input pathway, POM should address them to reduce or avoid littering in future. In DE, discussions started whether to implement such monitoring under the WFD umbrella. Some International River Commissions such as the International Rhine Commission started activities in this field. The WFD CIS process could play a certain role/interest in this work e.g. with regard to coordination with WFD monitoring activities where appropriate Meeting of the WFD CIS Working Group on Ecological Status (ECOSTAT), Madrid, 31 March - 1 April 2014 6

7 Needs of WG GES / MSFD from WFD work
Environmental Quality Standards “River-basin specific pollutants” in Surface Waters - Update and development analysis of a Europe-wide Comparison Needs of WG GES / MSFD from WFD work Aligning activities under MSFD and WFD Work on contaminants (MSFD D 8 & 9) has been transferred to WG CHEMICALS Work on eutrophication (MSFD D 5) has been transferred to ECOSTAT Needs for WG GES / MSFD CIS process are inter alia IC results for coastal waters as important elements to be used / considered under the MSFD Results from work on nutrient standards (ECOSTAT) Results from work on priority substances and RBSPs (WG CHEMICALS) Possible cooperation / coordination on monitoring of litter (rivers) Microparticles (< 5 mm) are of specific attention – common method(s) for analysis urgently needed ECOSTAT related experts might be interested to join this new field of activity (contact: Meeting of the WFD CIS Working Group on Ecological Status (ECOSTAT), Madrid, 31 March - 1 April 2014

8 Thank you for your attention!
Ulrich Claussen Federal Environmental Agency , Germany / Hier steht der Veranstaltungstitel in 12 Punkt

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