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HEPCOM is supported by the EUs Health programme (2008-2013), The views expressed are purely the authors' own and do not reflect the views of the European.

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Presentation on theme: "HEPCOM is supported by the EUs Health programme (2008-2013), The views expressed are purely the authors' own and do not reflect the views of the European."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEPCOM is supported by the EUs Health programme (2008-2013), The views expressed are purely the authors' own and do not reflect the views of the European Commission Hepcom The Learning Platform for Preventing Childhood Obesity in Europe Giuseppe Petito Brussels, June 2013 Hepcom The Learning Platform for Preventing Childhood Obesity in Europe Giuseppe Petito Brussels, June 2013 PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES

2 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 2 Table of contents The challenge The project The methodology The project partners Table of contents

3 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 3 Obesity highlights at European level … of children and adolescents are overweight, And of these are obese The challenge Over of children who are overweight before puberty will be overweight in early adulthood 20% 60% 1/3 children in the EU are considered overweight or obese, with the numbers growing by per year 22M 400.000 Source: WHO and European Commission

4 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 4 … is affecting more and more health and growth of the young generation The challenge Risk factor for cardiovascular diseases Type II diabetes Orthopaedic problems Mental disorders Underachievement in school Lower self-esteem Childhood obesity

5 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 5 Table of contents The challenge The project The methodology The project partners The project

6 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 6 The main project features (1/5) Why an online platform? To promote the actual use and up scaling of the existing high quality tools, making them easy accessible and usable to incorporate in the daily work of policy makers and professional practitioners. The project What will the project aim to do? To increase the quality and level of local community and school interventions all over Europe on promoting healthy eating and physical activity among children and young people.

7 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 7 The main project features (2/5) Who is the target audience? Policy makers and professional practitioners will directly benefit from the project, as they will gain knowledge and inspiration from the learning platform, which can assist them to improve their daily work with health promotion. Therefore it will also have an impact in children and young people and their families. The project When the platform will be ready? The plaform will be released in 2014 and continuously updated on the basis of the feedback received from the stakeholders collaborating to the project

8 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 8 The main project features (3/5) The project Who is involved in the project? The 21 HEPCOM partners, coming from 16 EU countries, will closely collaborate with: Local communities: authority on local or regional level that has the political and economic mandate to plan, develop and implement health promoting activities Other organizations working on Public Health projects How is the project funded? The total budget for the project is about 1,7 million EUR of which about 60% is cofunded by the EC Health Programme

9 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 9 The main project features (4/5) How local communities will be engaged? The project Local communities will be involved at two different levels: Need analysis phase focused on how local authorities manage their obesity prevention intervention and which tools they need in order to improve and qualify their work in this area Piloting phase focused on coaching and training local communities and schools to use and work actively with HEPCOM learning platform and apply the good practice tools in their daily work in order to develop local strategies and implement concrete interventions

10 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 10 The main project features (5/5) The project Which tools we are going to consider? All methods, guidelines, conceptual frameworks and templates that local communities apply in order to plan and structure their health promoting activities towards children and young people. How tools will be used for? Selected tools can be used for improving the following processes: Policy development, Strategic planning, Action planning, Implementation of interventions / health promoting activities Evaluation of interventions / health promoting activities

11 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 11 Table of contents The challenge The project The methodology The project partners The methodology

12 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 12 The project will be developed in 4 main phases… The methodology A need analysis will be carried out in order to make sure that the design of the platform is in line with real needs of local communities. Based on the preparation phase, the HEPCOM learning web platform will be designed, developed and launched for testing. To ensure relevance, usability and sustainability of the platform, 45 local community pilots around Europe will be carried out. Through national seminars in the countries and through a final European conference, the final version of the HEPCOM learning platform will be launched for future use. Needs analysis Development of the platform Piloting Promoting From Feb 13 to Oct 13 From Nov 13 to Feb 16 From Apr 14 to Aug 15 From Sept 15 to Feb 2016

13 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 13 Good practice tools library … aimed to create an integrated learning system The methodology Web Portal Coaching Collaborative tools Users via web Info & Promo Users (also potential) Needs Analysis and Mapping of good practices Vocational Guidance Stakeholders

14 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 14 The web portal (1/2) The methodology The learning platform will offer several services: 1.Good practice tools repository from former and existing European projects 2.Philosophies, missions and main activities 3.Stories from other local communities 4.Recommendation and guidelines 5.Provide evidence-base and research results

15 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 15 The web portal (2/2) The methodology The learning platform will have several benefits: 1.Offer a solid basis for sustainable networking between projects 2.Provide with a better uptake, exploitation and up scaling of initiatives among local communities around Europe that have already been proven successful. 3.Combine health evidence with practical tools and inspiration material and 4.Create an excellent foundation for better health promotion that provides knowledge and a focus on possible changes in the local settings..

16 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 16 Good practice tools library The methodology HEPCOM wants: to create an overview of good practices through a needs analysis an update of the EU wide overview of community based initiatives to reduce childhood obesity and a gap analysis, focused on childhood obesity prevention in local communities and schools.

17 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 17 The coaching process is related to three phase The methodology Promoting practices Exchanging practices Exchanging practices Enhancing practices Enhancing practices The intention is to implement 1 pilot project within each of the 2 target groups for a total of 45 pilot projects All 45 pilot projects will be evaluated via a self evaluation form and feedback from the evaluation will be used to fine- tune the learning platform Coaching will focus on applying strategic approaches and develop policies and strategies on local level For local policy makers Coaching will focus on applying strategic approaches and develop policies and strategies on local level For professional practitioners When What How Why

18 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 18 Table of contents The challenge The project The methodology The project partners

19 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 19 The project partners will work together with other actors to promote, exchange and enhance practices The project partners Project partners Local communitie s Other stakeholder s 21 HEPCOM partners, coming from 16 EU countries Other organization working on Public Health projects Authority on local or regional level that has the political and economic mandate to plan, develop and implement health promoting activities

20 HEPCOM - PROMOTING HEALTHY EATING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES 20 Aarhus University (DK) Bergen University College (NO) Business Solutions Europa (BE) Croatian National Institute of Public Health (HR) Dutch Institute for Healthcare Improvement CBO (NL) Institouto Ygeias tou Paidiou (EL) Istituto Superiore di Sanità (IT) Leuphana Universitat Luneburg (DE) Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft GmbH (AT) Maastricht University (NL) Mykolas Romeris University (LT) National University of Ireland (IE) P.A.U. Education (ES) South Denmark European Office (DK) Steno Diabetes Center (DK) Stichting euPrevent EMR (NL) University Blalse Pascal Cermont-Ferrand 2 (FR) University of Brighton (UK) University College Syddenmark (DK) University of eastern Finland (FI) Universidade do Minho (PT) The project partners List of the project partners

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