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Chapter 8 Art When bringing you a “creation,” however simple or strange, a child is unconsciously saying, “Here is a part of myself I am giving you.” ©2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Art When bringing you a “creation,” however simple or strange, a child is unconsciously saying, “Here is a part of myself I am giving you.” ©2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 Art When bringing you a “creation,” however simple or strange, a child is unconsciously saying, “Here is a part of myself I am giving you.” ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

2 Overview Art: 1. Is fundamental to a child’s growth
2. Is visual communication through elements of art 3. Is developmental since it’s contributions can be seen in the following domains Physical Cognitive Social and emotional Language Perceptual ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

3 Children’s Developmental Stages in Art
Infants and toddlers Sensory experience Consider safety and appropriateness of materials Children use entire bodies to interact with materials Enjoyment comes from exploration Transitions into and out of art activities are important Flexibility is needed both inside and outside Scribbling begins early Do not expect finished art products ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

4 Children’s Developmental Stages in Art (continued)
Preschoolers, pre-kindergartners, and kindergartners Kellogg’s “20 Basic Scribbles” Placement stage Shape and design stage Pictorial stage Child creates in order to make sense of his or her world May tear up work while involved in the process Children enjoy using their imaginations; do not provide models for copying Continued exploration and manipulation ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

5 Children’s Developmental Stages in Art (continued)
Early primary grades More serious and focused Realistic color and proportion emerge Careful planning is part of the process Opinion of adult becomes important Child thinks art must be recognizable in both content and subject Individual, creative, and cultural differences emerge Often art is not a major focus of the day, but it should still be included frequently ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

6 Teacher as Facilitator and Observer
Do not focus on the outcome or product—focus on the process Facilitate and observe Provide space, materials, and time Do not evaluate, judge, etc., art work or try to elicit responses Use ART TALK Always try materials and activities first before introducing them to the children Model appropriate use of materials and implements ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

7 Creativity Creativity  is the process of doing, or bringing something new and imaginative into being   - Provide opportunities for creativity to be expressed - Show genuine respect -Provide an inspiring environment -Do not be a destroyer of creativity ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

8 Creating an Environment for Creative Expression and Experimentation
Children to go at their own pace and be self-directed Children learn by active manipulation of objects and interactions with people Eliminate conditions providing stress and too strict time limits [See additional thoughts on establishing an art environment] ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

9 General Guidelines for Providing an Art Environment
Provide time, space, and materials Spacious area near a window if possible Free-choice area No one art corner or art project of the day Close to a sink for easy clean-up Keep safety in mind Encourage children to participate in all phases of art, including set-up and clean-up Ensure that all children will be successful ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

10 Guidance Guidelines in Art Center
Clarify goals and objectives Establish rules and limits Guide children toward responsibility Ensure that a wide variety of arts activities available in many places in the room Dependent on development and ages of children Messy is okay Different types of materials require an understanding of how to use them appropriately ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

11 Guidance Guidelines in Art Center (continued)
Bring order to the environment by setting up the structure of space, time, and materials to reflect your educational goals. Design well-thought-out space where children can discover, process, experiment, and explore. Arrange the materials and space so that the children can self-select if you want them to work independently. Store and label materials and tools so that children learn how to get what they need and put an item back and clean-up by themselves. Be flexible. Adjust the arrangement of the easels, tables, chairs, and other furniture to suit the needs of individual children at specific times. ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

12 Use of Food in Art Projects
Considerations Expense Cultural sensitivity Allergies Self-regulation skills of toddlers not well-developed Food products such as flour, cornstarch, salt, and food coloring are acceptable Alternative choices ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

13 Outdoor Environment Expanded space Freedom to move Freedom to mess
Wider choices of media Nature excursions also can inspire creativity in artwork ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

14 Aesthetic Environment
Being artistic does not just mean making art, it also means developing a sense of aesthetics How Recognize beauty, inside and out Pay attention to and use details of color, shape, patterns, and texture Use books with all types of illustrations Display fine art Have a children’s museum with a curator Use light in interesting ways ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

15 Involving Children in All Forms of Art
•Tearing, cutting, and gluing • Painting – string painting – object painting – finger painting • Crayons, markers, and chalk – crayon rubbings – crayon resist • Three-dimensional materials – height, width, depth – texture – use of hands ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

16 How Art Activities Can Support Development
Tearing, cutting, and gluing Help small muscle development Provide tactile experiences Collage making Painting Encourages language development Helps with judgment of spatial relationships Develops form perception Allows for the coordinated use of many muscles Provides opportunities for manipulation and experimentation ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

17 How Art Activities Can Support Development (continued)
Painting-continued with string, gadgets, feet with various textured paints and objects Crayons, markers, and chalk Provide excellent prewriting experiences Drawing, rubbings, resist Three-dimensional materials Encourage exploration Help children release emotional tensions and frustrations ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

18 Art Across the Curriculum
Connect art to everything you do Encourage the use of art vocabulary Combine art and math on a regular basis Use art to explore scientific principles Promote literacy and brain development Art is multimodal and multisensory learning ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

19 Sharing Art with Families
Help families understand why art is important Explain stages of art development Encourage art to happen in the home environment Suggest materials, spaces, and togetherness ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

20 Art and Special Needs Children
Art is open-ended, so it can accommodate the needs of all children Adaptations Art center Materials Implements ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

21 Tips for Displaying Children’s Art
Display art in the classroom Display art at the children’s eye-level Change the art displays frequently Create a children’s museum display Display all creations, not just the best Use different methods to display art work ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

22 Technology Art can be enhanced by the use of
Overhead projectors Cameras Photocopiers Videotapes Computer technology ALWAYS preview software so that you know that it is developmentally appropriate and meets your educational objectives ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

23 Developmentally Appropriate and Multicultural/Anti-Bias Activities
Bring the arts into the classroom by displaying prints of fine art and books that include art reproductions Invite community artists to visit or going to their studios Take field trips to galleries, museums, performances, and public art displays Multicultural art materials should always be available Use projects that reflect both ancient and modern cultures Suggested activities ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

24 Observation, Assessment, and Evaluation
Use art portfolios Establish a routine for selection Date work Teacher can choose items to be included Make notes to accompany the work Children can choose Take photos of work too large or fragile to be included Include an end of the year summary ©2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

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