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Day 34: December 1, 2010 Transmission Lines

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1 Day 34: December 1, 2010 Transmission Lines
ESE370: Circuit-Level Modeling, Design, and Optimization for Digital Systems Day 34: December 1, 2010 Transmission Lines Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

2 This Week General wire formulation Lossless Transmission Line
End of Transmission Line? Termination Where arise? Implications Discuss Lossy See in action in lab Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

3 Transmission Line When resistance is negligible
Have LC wire = Lossless Transmission Line More typical of Printed Circuit Board wires Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

4 Intuitive: Lossless Pulses travel as waves without distortion
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

5 Propagation CL = em Be-(wt+x)=LCw2Be-(wt+x) w=1/sqrt(LC)
Rate of propagation Delay linear in length CL = em w=1/sqrt(em)=c0/sqrt(ermr) Where c0=speed of light in vacuum=30cm/ns Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

6 Impedance Ici=CdVi/dt Ici=wCBe-(wt+x)
V(x,t) = A+Be-(wt+x) Ici=CdVi/dt Ici=wCBe-(wt+x) Z0 = Vi/Ii ~Vi/Ici = 1/wC = 1/(C/sqrt(LC)) (really Ii --- differs in phase) Ii+1 Ii Vi-1 Vi Vi+1 Ici Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

7 Infinite Lossless Transmission Line
Transmission line looks like resistive load Input waveform travels down line at velocity Without distortion Z0 Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

8 End of Line Reflection Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

9 Back at Source? What happens at source? Depends on how terminated
Looks like at sink end Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

10 R≠Z0 What happens? 75 W termination on 50 W line
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

11 Simulation For these, with direct drive from voltage source
Source looks like short circuit Source cannot be changed Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

12 50W line, 75W termination Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

13 75W line, 50W termination Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

14 Series Termination What happens here? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

15 Simulation Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

16 Series Termination Rseries = Z0 Initial voltage divider
Half voltage pulse down line End of line open circuit sees single transition to full voltage Reflection returns to source and sees termination Rseries = Z0 No further reflections Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

17 Termination Cases Parallel at Sink Series at Source Pix pix
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

18 Admin Lab on Friday Lecture Wednesday Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

19 Idea (still working on)
Transmission lines high-speed high throughput long-distance signaling Termination Signal quality Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

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