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Paraphrasing …rewriting a text in my own words so I don’t plagiarize the text.

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Presentation on theme: "Paraphrasing …rewriting a text in my own words so I don’t plagiarize the text."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paraphrasing …rewriting a text in my own words so I don’t plagiarize the text

2 Summarize Paraphrase Plagiarize
Restating essential information – the author’s words – in your own words and with your own (writer’s) voice Focuses concisely on one single idea from the text Restating the main idea of the whole text in your own words, focusing broadly on the main idea Restates the text, word-for-word, using the author’s exact words and without giving the author credit. Plagiarize

3 Analysis should include?
Paraphrase Plagiarize Summarize Analysis should include?

4 Paraphrasing is a SKILL
Your paraphrase should be focused concisely on the details from the text that will help connect your textual evidence to your topic sentence. Change both the vocabulary and the sentence structure to free yourself from the author’s voice, and give the analysis your own (writer’s) voice.

5 Paraphrasing is a reading SKILL
Read the passage carefully Decide what information will support your topic sentence and thesis statement/claim Highlight/underline essential information or phrases Put the essential information or phrases in your own words PARAPHRASE ME!

6 Paraphrasing is a writing SKILL
Change quoted speech to indirect speech (vice versa) (ex1) Mr. Lee said, “I am ready for lunch.” (ex2) Mr. Lee said he was ready for lunch. Change active voice to passive voice (vice versa) (ex1) A hotel employee will carry your bags. (ex2) Your bags will be carried by a hotel employee. Change synonyms or use definition (ex1) The stallion was content with the mare. (ex2) The male horse was happy with the female horse. Change word forms Use an adverb instead of an adjective Use a verb to replace a noun (ex1) GROG is an accurate typist. (ex2) GROG types accurately. Combine techniques

7 7th Grade: Let’s Practice!
excerpt from “Always Wanting More” by Thomas Hine Nevertheless, we yawn at a super store rather than marvel at it. That such a store could provoke such apathy instead of amazement is a perverse tribute to the plentitude of our consumer society and the weakness of the emotional ties that bind us to the many objects in our lives. Never before has so much seemed so dull. excerpt from “Always Wanting More” by Thomas Hine Nevertheless, we yawn at a super store rather than marvel at it. That such a store could provoke such apathy instead of amazement is a perverse tribute to the plentitude of our consumer society and the weakness of the emotional ties that bind us to the many objects in our lives. Never before has so much seemed so dull. Page 236, lines 85-90: highlight/underline key words 7th Grade: Let’s Practice!

8 7th Grade: Let’s Practice!
excerpt from “Always Wanting More” by Thomas Hine Nevertheless, we yawn at a super store rather than marvel at it. That such a store could provoke such apathy instead of amazement is a perverse tribute to the plentitude of our consumer society and the weakness of the emotional ties that bind us to the many objects in our lives. Never before has so much seemed so dull. The author concludes this section of his book by restating that Americans live in an apathetic world full of an abundance of possessions. And it is in this world that we are bored instead of grateful for all that we have, with no emotional ties to our possessions. 7th Grade: Let’s Practice!

9 8th Grade: Let’s Practice!
excerpt from “Hanging Fire” by Audre Lorde I am fourteen and my skin has betrayed me the boy I cannot live without still sucks his thumb in secret how come my knees are always so ashy what if I die before morning and momma’s in the bedroom with the door closed. excerpt from “Hanging Fire” by Audre Lorde I am fourteen and my skin has betrayed me the boy I cannot live without still sucks his thumb in secret how come my knees are always so ashy what if I die before morning and momma’s in the bedroom with the door closed. Stanza #1: highlight/underline key words 8th Grade: Let’s Practice!

10 8th Grade: Let’s Practice!
Paraphrase: The speaker is a typical teenager who worries about her appearance and boys. She questions life and feels as if no one will listen to her. excerpt from “Hanging Fire” by Audre Lorde I am fourteen and my skin has betrayed me the boy I cannot live without still sucks his thumb in secret how come my knees are always so ashy what if I die before morning and momma’s in the bedroom with the door closed. 8th Grade: Let’s Practice!

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