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Welcome to FMS! Incoming Grade 5 Student Orientation

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to FMS! Incoming Grade 5 Student Orientation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to FMS! Incoming Grade 5 Student Orientation
August 7, 2018 MR. JOSHUA HARRISON PRINCIPAL MRS. SHARIE SMITH AST. PRINCIPAL MS. JACKIE BENNER GUIDANCE COUNSELOR Freeport Middle School At FMS the stakeholders Believe every student will Achieve through a prescriptive, rigorous curriculum in a safe, Respectful environment that prepares students with the necessary Knowledge to Succeed in future academic and career opportunities.

2 Overview of the Orientation
Welcome & Introductions Pick up schedules and report to your child’s 2nd period teacher (also known as your child’s homeroom teacher) The 2nd period teacher’s/homeroom teacher’s name is highlighted! If you complete the emergency card and turn it into your child’s homeroom teacher, you will be given a Parent Bulldog Buck to be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card to Louis Louis restaurant! The drawing will be held on the first day of school!

3 Overview of the Orientation
If you still have questions about transportation after you receive information from your child’s homeroom teacher, please return to the transportation table located here in the cafeteria. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA

4 Parent Portal Please plan to stop by the 7th grade computer lab to sign up for Focus, our online parent portal. The parent portal allows you to view your child’s grades online! If you had access to the Focus parent portal last year, you do not have to do anything. Your account should still be active. The 7th grade computer lab is located in this building. It is the last door on your right before you exit to the gym.

5 The School Day School begins at 7:27 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m.
Every 5th grade student will start their day in the gym. Students should arrive no earlier than 7:10 a.m. 5th grade students will be directed to the cafeteria if they need to eat breakfast.

6 Drop Off and Pick-Up Procedures
All drop-offs and pick-ups should take place in the front of the school in the outer row of the parking lot in the lane closest to Kylea Laird Drive. Do not pick-up or drop off a child on the street or behind the school. Parents should pull all the way forward in the drop off line before allowing their student to exit the vehicle.

7 Grade 5 Scheduling All 5th grade students will begin their day in the gym. Students will remain in the gym three out of the five days for PE. One day of the week they will be escorted to Art and the other day to Technology. At the end of first period, all 5th grade students will be escorted to the 5th grade building for their academic subjects.

8 Grade 5 Scheduling 5th grade students will remain in the 5th grade building until lunch at 10:17 followed by recess. A thirty minute period is built in at the end of the day for remediation and acceleration.

9 School Contacts Issue Staff Member Classroom Issues Teacher
Emotional. Personal Ms. Benner, Guidance Behavioral Issues Ms. Smith, AP Health Issues Ms. Anderson, Nurse Attendance Transportation Issues Ms. Baker, District Transportation Office

10 Welcome to FMS This PowerPoint will be available on our website under the 5th grade department.

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