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16th February th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

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1 16th February 2014 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

2 Gospels: Mt. Ch. 5:

3 a) Teaching about the Law
b) Teaching about Anger

4 c) Teaching about Adultery
d) Teaching about Divorce

5 e) Teaching about Vows

6 V. 19 So then, whoever disobeys even the least important of the commandments and teaches others to do the same, will be least in the kingdom of heaven. (negative)

7 on the other hand … (positive)

8 The negative … and what one
b) V. 21 The negative … and what one must do.

9 c) V. 27 What one must not do and what one must do.

10 The Old Testament about Divorce and what Jesus teaches.
d) V. 31 The Old Testament about Divorce and what Jesus teaches.

11 The meaning of a “Vow”, promise to God
e) V The meaning of a “Vow”, promise to God

12 11th February Our Lady of Lourdes 18 apparitions

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