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AES Anonymisation agreement

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1 AES Anonymisation agreement
Point 6 of the agenda Meeting of the Education and Training Statistics Working Group Luxembourg, 8-10 October 2008 Room Quetelet

Discussions and agreement in last TF meeting Criteria for anonymisation Disclosure risk test by Statistics Sweden Further work on release of micro-data Price of anonymised micro-data Discussion points

3 TASK FORCE MEETING Representatives from 19 countries attended
Variables considered identifying in AES discussed Disclosure risk tests from Statistics Sweden Tests of cell sizes by Eurostat on AES data Criteria for anonymisation were discussed and approved Suggested price of micro-data.

4 SUGGESTED CRITERIA Household – all technical variables to be dropped
Month of survey – recoding into quarter of interview Number of persons in household – aggregated into 4 age categories 0-5, 6-18, and 65 and older Nationality – aggregated into 3 groups Country of birth – aggregated into 3 groups Highest level of education – regrouping of ISCED 5/6 Activity – Aggregation of NACE2D at digit 1 level Occupation - ISCO2 at 2 digits

5 Further work on release of micro-data
Discussion and eventual approval by ETS working group Informing the Confidentiality Committee Contact with the participating countries for confirmation of release of their micro-data Technical work of anonymising micro-data Informing countries of each release of data Release of first group of countries (17-18) Gradual update of rest of countries

6 Price of anonymised micro-data
Price was set in accordance with Commission regulation No 831/2002 of 17 May (article 9) Prices of similar micro-data in Eurostat were considered Aim is to ensure a balance between reasonable levels of costs and avoiding unfair competition Original suggested price of 500 € Revised by Task Force, majority preferred a lower price Agreement on 200 € for complete data set.

7 Discussion points Agreed proposal for anonymisation
Price of micro-data Timing of release of micro-data Approval of criteria

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