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Act 1 – Scene v Character Development:

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1 Act 1 – Scene v Character Development:
Quotation: "Holds such an enmity  with blood of man that swift as quicksilver it courses through the natural gates an alleys of the body" (I. V ).  Device: Simile Analysis: The use of such simile helps set the eerie and mysterious tone of the scene as well as providing background information to Hamlet and the audience about King Hamlets Death Summary: Hamlet encounters the ghost and it claims to be his late father The spirit has come to entice Hamlet to avenge his death The ghost then tells a disgruntled Hamlet how Claudius poured poison into his ear while he was asleep At dawn, the ghost disappears and Hamlet vows to remember and obey the ghost Character Development: Ghost: Hamlet learns that the ghost is his father and he pities the state that the ghost is in. Claudius: After learning what Claudius did to King Hamlet, Hamlet wants revenge for his father's death. Quotation:  "O most pernicious woman! O villain, villain, smiling dammed villain!" (I. V ). Device: Repetition Analysis: Hamlets repetition of "villain" in reference to his mother shows how upset he is at his mother with the knowledge that she married his father's murderer.  

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