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Put the jobs in order of their annual wages from least to greatest.

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Presentation on theme: "Put the jobs in order of their annual wages from least to greatest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Put the jobs in order of their annual wages from least to greatest.
BLU #9 Wages Put the jobs in order of their annual wages from least to greatest.

2 What determines pay Training / Education BA doubles income!
Surgeon makes more than a general practitioner Age / Experience Wages increase w/ experience Older ppl make more than younger

3 Wages Risk: Geography:
Divers, fisherman Geography: CA wages are higher than most states Federal min wage - $7.25 Labor Unions: workers join together to improve pay & working conditions by negotiating a contract w/employers

4 “Perks”: benefits of the job
Disadvantages of being a teacher Advantages

5 BLU #10: Union Strategy Which of the following is an advantage of a corporation? Complete control of your company Cheap to start Limited liability Which of the following is an advantage of a partnership?

6 All of the following are legal restrictions on businesses EXCEPT
Maximum working hours 12 week unpaid leave for family emergencies Allowing workers to express their religious beliefs Which of the following would most likely have the highest pay? An electrician, in a union, working for 15 yrs An entry level customer service job An entry level teacher in Kansas

7 How Unions Work Collective bargaining: negotiate pay & working conditions as a group Pay is equal across the board for same job Members vote on agreement, if no agreement: Mediator: an impartial observer who listens to both sides

8 If that doesn’t work: Binding Arbitration: impartial person evaluates the dispute & then issues a ruling that both sides MUST accept

9 Strike! Stop working To be effective, all workers must participate
Scabs: ppl who work during a strike, “cross the picket lines” Advantage: pressure employers to accept their proposals Disadvantages: not paid!

10 Union Membership Today
Declining since 1960s Mainly found in manufacturing, blue collar jobs – which are also declining in US Strikes aren’t always effective Grocery strike 2003 Wisconsin 2011

11 BLU #11 Wisconsin What is the current economic state of Wisconsin?
What kind of cuts and changes does the governor want to make? Why are public workers upset? What kind of grassroots pressure are they using? Wisconsin

12 BLU #11: Review Pg : 1, 2, 5, 6 , 7, 10, 13, 15, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 31

13 BLU #12: Lilly Ledbetter Many surveys show that women get approximately 77% pay of men for doing the same jobs! How can the govt allow that?

14 Dear Diary, /15/1998 Today, I ….

15 Dear Diary, /29/2009 Today, I ….

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