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Mrs. Trainer’s Class October 30th - Nov 3rd Thanksgiving lunch

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1 Mrs. Trainer’s Class October 30th - Nov 3rd Thanksgiving lunch
Important Dates: Oct. 31 Last Day of Canned Food Drive Nov. 14 Thanksgiving Lunch Nov Thanksgiving Break Important Info & Remindersl Thanksgiving lunch Thanksgiving lunch forms were sent home. Third Grade eats on November 14th at our normal lunch time, 11:35-12:05. (arrive early to allow for time to get badge) The cost is $5.00 per person. Please return the form and enclosed total if you plan on attending. Pictures are due on 11-1 if you plan on ordering! Canned Food Drive Please send in canned food items! Every little bit counts! The Kindness Club will be collecting through October 31st! Pink team is currently in second place by only a few cans! We can do this! Related Arts Monday B- Art Tuesday C- PE Wednesday D-lIBRARY Thursday E- mUSIC Friday F-GUidance Math Fractions ELA Comparing & Contrasting Conjunctions Phonics Complex Multi- Syllable, Open Science/Social Studies Life Cycles/TTE 50 States Contact Me: We are in need of index cards.

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